The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


If the pair lied on an affidavit, that is an issue. But it’s soooo much like Clinton denying a blowjob that was, in the grand scheme of the issue being investigated, all-but irrelevant.

Though the cover up, of course, is always worse than the act. Like paying a porn star to keep quiet about 30-seconds of huffing for fear it would derail your election chances.

Really, to be fair, there needs to be a judge who is impartial to either side or else you have yourself a kangaroo court. But that is what Democrats have paid Willis for I suppose. Willis already has her mind made up. Willis is a criminal herself and needs removed from this case.

You seem to think that Willis is the judge in this case.

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Brexit Update:

There will be a general election at some point this year in the UK. Everything points to the Brexit deadenders being swept out of power.

Shhh! Don’t stop him, he’s just getting started.

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Ok special prosecutor. I’m any event she should be disqualified for being a criminal herself.



It’s over $300 million. More to come.

Total appears to be $360 million. Business sanctions in addition.

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I’m seeing reports of $362 million.

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Business licenses not cancelled, in lieu of there being very tight guardrails in place.

$364 million seems to be the final number. So with the Carroll award, he has to find cash and collateral of $447 million in order to appeal these awards.

ETA: That’s $447 million of free-and-clear collateral; not collateral that’s already supporting other loans.

ETA+: Trump banned from operating a business in NY for 3 years. Weisselberg also sanctioned. No borrowing from NY banks. Trump spawn banned from business in NY for two years.

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The final penalty is very close to Tish James’ “minimum” ask of $370 million. Part of the reason it got so close is Trump’s mouth.

Engoran also wiped away the claims of there being no victims here. The performance of the loans gained was never questioned by the NYAG, only that the terms were far more favorable than what would have been given with an honest reporting of his assets. So, while this discounted loans performed, the next ones may not.

Judge found that the $2 million separation settlement with Weisselberg was a bribe for continued non-cooperation with investigations. Fined Weisselberg $1 million.

Don’t forget that Weisselberg is a big part of the hush money payments charges, and is reported to be trying to reach a plea deal on prior perjury.

How much shit can one man swallow?

I’m sure he keeps that much in his pocket as “walking around money”, but no worries, he’ll sell his mug photoshopped onto the body of Jason Momoa for $50 a pop and Cletus and his sister/cousin/ex-girlfriend will take out a fifth mortgage on the single side to buy a dozen.


I know you’re tongue in cheek, but there’s no way they can stump up the $450 million he needs to provide as collateral in order to be allowed to appeal.

Binden doubled Trump’s fund-raising in 2023, and he hauled in $250 million. Trump’s donors are dying and/or getting tapped out.

Credibility findings:

  • Michael Cohen - not entirely credible but facts relied on in the decision were corroborated independently.
  • Ivanka’s variable memory - being able to remember stuff when asked by Trump counsel and drawing blanks when questioned by OAG - was suspect, but her emails spoke for themselves
  • Trump was not credible, barely answering the questions asked and often not answering at all; instead launching into long speeches about things not involved in the case.

What’s important about credibility findings is that appeals courts typically do not usurp the credibility findings of the frontline judge. They weren’t there, they didn’t see it. Engoran’s explanations of his credibility findings makes that part of his decision beyond contestation.

Final tally:

Trump: $355 million
Don Jr.: $4 million
Eric: $4 million
Weisselberg: $1 million

All of the above plus interest, which starts from the day the judge enters the judgement (probably in a week or so).

Business ban in NY of 3 years for Trump and 2 years each for Don Jr. and Eric.

Business licenses left in place, subject to the independent monitor (who has found that these practices are ongoing) remaining in place.

Alan Weissmann ftw:


There’s at least $100 million of pre-judgment interest that is owed in addition to the penalties, which continues accumulating at 9% annually until this is over.

So any collateral Trump posts in order to appeal has to include that interest, in addition to the judgment, plus a 20% upload on both. In order to appeal, Trump is going to have to put up $540 million.

Yeah… President Trump won’t be paying a cent of that. I think deep down everyone knows this was a kangaroo court.