The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Well he’s a billionaire so no problem.


$2.6 billion to be exact.

Not any more.


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You guys love to skip over the fact that the loans in question were paid in full. This will all be reversed. It is a matter of getting it out of liberals’ hands and control.

On what grounds, counselor?

Yes, we’ve been waiting with bated breath for your next “legal analysis” regarding the FORMER president. Did you figure out the difference between a prosecutor and a judge?

On grounds of him not doing anything wrong. This so called (Democrat) Judge valued Trump’s Mar A Lago resort at $18mm. He’s smoking crack if he thinks it is only worth $18mm. Engoron had his mind made up before this even started. It will get to the Supreme Court eventually and will be thrown out or vastly reduced once he can actually have a defense.

Have you figured out how to count past 20 since you only have that many fingers and toes? Isn’t it time to hop back on the video game so you can finish that up before your mother brings you dinner in her basement?

I learned how to count naked, so I made it all the way to 21.

I can carry two 6-packs AND a dozen donuts.

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Defrauding financial institutions in order to obtain more favorable financing terms isn’t wrong?

The judge didn’t “value” anything. The tax assessor did.

Then, why is Trump only paying property taxes based on that $18M valuation?

Amateur lawyer AND mind-reader now? Did you review the evidence presented by either side?

Why would it just be reduced if he “did nothing wrong”?

What does this mean? Are you saying he hired shitty lawyers or that you think the US Supreme Court is a collection of defense lawyers?

I’ll leave this here for you:
"Even though the lenders made money from Mr. Trump, they were the purported victims in the case, with Ms. James arguing that without his fraud, they could have made even more.

The financial penalty reflects those lost profits, with nearly half of the $355 million — $168 million — representing the interest that Mr. Trump saved, and the remaining sum representing his profit on the recent sale of two properties, money that the judge has now clawed back from Mr. Trump and corporate entities he owns."

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…that no one wants to eat.

Was the one sticking in or out of you?

Trump is still facing an IRS audit that he temporarily quashed as president, but it is estimated that the dues could be circa $100 million.

Trump only had a lawyer. His lawyer could not call anyone to the stand. If you think Mar a Lago is worth $18mm, you are dumber than I give you credit for being. The county gives Mar-a-Lago its current value for taxation based on its annual net operating income as a club and not on its resale value as a home or its reconstruction cost. Anyone that knows anything about real estate knows that a tax assessment is not an appraisal. You cannot use a tax assessment as an appraisal, especially on a loan. These “values” are the opinion of a liberal judge. I hope you are close to home tonight because I don’t like your odds of finding your way home.

It’s pretty remarkable - he began this misadventure as a huge grift and PR stunt. It was a pretty good idea, too, I have to admit. And it would’ve have worked out great if it weren’t for all those meddling voters who actually voted for him. Now, the ensuing sunlight is going to cost him far more than he grifted and, hopefully, his freedom.

Keep your scams to a manageable size and scope is my takeaway from all this.


The value is that if the county appraiser, not the judge. The county values it at $18-34 million. Trump claims that value at $1.5 billion, nearly 1000x what anyone else values it at. In short, he wants to pay taxes on a property being worth $18 million, but borrow against that same property being worth $1.5 billion. That the definition of fraud.


How so? Trump did not give himself the loan. The bank did. He did not force them to give him a loan. Trump paid it back. And oh by the way he did not say it absolutely was worth $1.5 billion. He said it was worth at least $400mm.

This is Rush Limbaugh’s home that sold for $155mm vs Mar a Lago that you claim is worth $18mm.

Rush’s home

Mar A Lago

You tell me which is worth more?

Did Rush sell it to Russians? Because we’ve already seen that they’re willing to vastly overpay for real estate in order to launder money.

No clue. Trump didn’t sell Mar a lago to the Russians. Maybe the old demented sock puppet sold his home to the Ukraine? Trump should have used the sock puppet’s defense “I’m too old and don’t remember.” That got him out of his stolen document trouble very well.