The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

It’s a “Ball of Confusion” and “State of Denial”.

That’s what the world is today, hey hey

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There was a “State of Confusion” by the Kinks.

Was there ever a “Ball of Denial”?

Republicans in Arizona have introduced legislation to cancel the 2024 Presidential election and declare Trump the winner.

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That’s what Colorado and Maine are trying to do. Can’t wait till the Supreme Court tells them where to insert their stupid shenanigans.

So, you post another bullshit conspiracy theory in response and wonder why that’s your moniker?

For fuck’s sake, how do you even tie your shoes in the morning?

Can you read? Everything I said in the previous post happened. No conspiracy theory to it. That is your patented response every time someone posts something that does not fit your agenda.

There is no reason for you to be so insulting. How do you not drown every time it rains? For your sake, I hope we have a dry spring. Maybe by that time you’ll figure out to close your mouth.

No they’re not.

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If we’re being trutheyful and all:

Nothing of what you said in the previous post has happened yet.

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Yes they are.

I will admit, you guys probably have not heard about it from CNN.

Great, let’s go back to your previous post where you state that basically everything I wrote is far from the truth.

Let’s start with a couple of easy ones:

Congress controls the power of the purse - yes or no?
Federalizing the National Guard makes them subject to the Posse Commitatus Act - yes or no?

Did the old demented sock puppet do everything I said? Yes or no? He has the power to shut everything down yet he won’t. He doesn’t want to. He needs the new voters.

For fuck’s sake. I asked you two simple questions based off of your previous post and you can’t or won’t answer them.

This is why folks struggle to take you seriously.

Not exaclty a struggle per se


So it looks like Fani Willis and Nathan Wade lied in sworn affidavits as to when their relationship started. Likely outcome is that they are both removed from the Trump (and every other) case and it’s reassigned, essentially hitting the reset button on the trial and pushing into 2025.

Nothing Willis and Wade did impacts the legitimacy of the case against Trump, but it seems impossible that it could go forward with either of them involved. So the trial will still happen, but the can has been yeeted far down the road, past the November election, which is what Trump wanted.

Honestly people, fuck who you want but be truthful about it. If you’re married, leave first. Regardless, the truly unforgivable thing here is that two experienced lawyers decided to lie about their relationship at the height of one of the highest profile cases in American history.

Stupid cunts.


There’s a “lawyers fucking” something joke in there somewhere

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I would answer both of your questions by saying that the old demented sock puppet could fix the serious problems at the border if he wanted to. He doesn’t. For political purposes, he tried to undo anything President Trump did regarding the border. In the process, he made it extremely easy for illegal immigrants. You cannot dispute the facts. Facts always screw a liberal up.

Fun Fact: With the Federal Jan 6 case getting pushed back to allow for Trump’s appeals, the likely delay now in the Georgia election case opens a gaping hole in Trump’s court schedule into which the Federal Jan 6 case can slide. Much like how the NY criminal porn star hush money case slid into the gap left by the Federal Jan 6 case.

Trump is playing whack-a-mole with the multiple cases he faces but, as hard as he tries, he can’t get them to go away completely.