The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

For those keeping track at home:


Amigo, you don’t know who I am.

I know enough, towel boy.

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I realize that our resident conspiracy theorist is little more than a troll in this thread, but it is interesting to unpack his whingeing screeds about the border.

Let’s set aside the fact that Biden has already issued 535 immigration related Executive Orders, which is more than Bone Spur Donnie who issued less than 500 during his entire term. (I would argue the pace of both of those has more to do with the inaction of Congress which has failed to pass any meaningful immigration leglislation for nearly three decades.)

More acutely, which of Bone Spur’s policies should Biden continue? Out of the 35 major immigration policies enacted during the Trump administration, 33 were either thrown out by the courts or withdrawn by the relevant agency after a lawsuit was filed. NYU’s Institute for Policy Integrity has a more detailed breakdown. Fun fact, perhaps demonstrating the reach of the Biden Crime Family, even when Republican appointed judges presided over these cases, the Trump administration was unsuccessful over 90% of the time.

What about “Remain in Mexico”, which is still being in litigated? Well, that was suspended in 2020 (i.e. before the demented sock puppet) and as Aaron Reichlin-Milnick of the American Migration Institute pointed out, there was very little evidence to show it substantively deterred border crossings. There is also the inconvenient fact that Mexico has already stated it will not cooperate if the U.S. restarts the program, regardless of any American court ruling on its merits.

Our resident conspiracy theorist and House Speaker Johnson both want Biden to restart/continue construction on Trump’s border wall (with razor wire!!). Well, the basic problem is funding and Congress hasn’t appropriated any money for new or continuing construction of the border wall (you’ll recall that the Constitution expressly grants power of the purse to Congress). And it doesn’t look like Republicans and the maga cult are enthusiastic about appropriating money to do so. Tellingly, the House passed HR2 last year demanding Biden restart construction but provided no funds for construction.

There’s always the National Guard, right? Biden could certainly federalize the Guard. But in doing so, that makes the Guard subject to the Posse Commitatus Act of 1878. The act forbids the military from participating in civilian law enforcement unless expressly authorized by a statute or the Constitution. There are grey areas that make the act vulnerable, like Title 32 where the Guard is paid with federal funds but remain under the nominal control of their respective governor. Trump invoked Title 32 to bring National Guard troops to DC in the summer of 2020 to police the ongoing protests there (the infamous upside down Bible photo op). As the Brennan Center for Justice points, though, “no part of the Constitution expressly empowers the president to use the military to execute the law.”

To our resident conspiracy theorist(s), you’ll forgive me if I don’t wait for your thoughtful, detailed reponse on what else the Biden Crime Family should be doing about the border.


I want to know how I am “towel boy”?

Is it good?

Is it bad?

Melon! Get yer suit on!!


Mate, if you have to ask…

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I guess since old Mike took a cheap shot at me, calling me a “resident conspiracy theorist,” we will just have to come up with a name for him. From here on out, MikeS shall be known as the ”Resident Biden Schlong Gorveller.” Basically everything you made up in your rambling, incoherent response is far from the truth. It’s ok to admit that the old demented sock puppet royally screwed the border up. On day one of the old demented sock puppet’s presidency, he ended the Migrant Protection Protocols and instituted a 100-day moratorium on deportations. He then made it harder for agents to deport anyone but violent criminals, causing a sharp fall in ICE arrests and historic deportation lows. The old demented sock puppet also reopened the “catch-and-release” loophole by exempting families and minors from President Trump’s COVID related Title 42 ban on immigrants entering the country. This caused a very sharp and steady increase in illegal immigrants crossing the border. The truth of the matter is, Democrats love illegal immigrants pouring into the country. They are running out of low IQ American voters so they need to find new people that will feel obligated to vote Democrat.

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Random Question:

What State do you live in?


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What we could have had if Trump had won in 2020.

Texas. I’m glad Democrats are out numbered here.

How does living in a state of confusion feel? Someone has to be extremely confused to vote Democrat.

It’s ok folks. Trump’s verbal gaffes and glitches are a “bit” that he’s doing on purpose…

…making a verbal gaffe in the process, presumably to prove his point.

The best visual representation I’ve seen of the probable 2024 election:


QAnon folks will be jizzing in their pants over this.

The criminal trial in Trump’s porn star hush money case starts on March 25 with jury selection.

Today in ouroboroses (ouroboroi?): Trump claims his criminal trial for election interference is election interference.