The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I thought they already were?

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You hate to see it.


The RNC may be broke, but it ain’t Trump-broke. Which is basically the same as stump-broke.

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I think the RNC is stump-broke.


They’re intellectually bankrupt, like the reset of the maga cult, if that means anything.

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The old demented sock puppet is intellectually bankrupt. What the hell is he trying to say this time?

Democrat Tom Suozzi defeated Mazi Pilip in the special election for Emperor George Santos’ vacated seat. It was expected to be a close election, at least by the NYT, but Suozzi won it easily.


Johnson’s majority just shrank even more. Santos missing hurt, but an additional Dem gives him maybe 2 seats to play with.

Once again, polling be damned, in actual elections Democrats outperform expectations.


Tom Suozzi increased the Dem. share of the vote in Trump’s home borough of Queens by +20 points.

They really do well in the mail in voting.


You know, it’s nowhere near impossible that the Democrats will end this year with a majority in the House thanks to attrition in the form of incarceration and Darwinism.

If that happens I will look forward with great anticipation to Dick Durbin explaining to me why they, in fact, are not going to do away with the filibuster. Nothing I like better than a bunch of useless geriatrics limp dicks fucking my kid’s future up for the sake of decorum that the other side will gleefully discard as soon as they can and it well suits them.


Congratulations, you are finally seeing the Democrat party for what it truly is.

The democrats have royally screwed the border up with their hair brained ideas and decisions. It’s very good that this nit wit was impeached. Finish what President Trump started and finish building the wall with razor wire along the top. Close the damn border and let these illegal immigrants come in LEGALLY if they chose to. There should be a process for each one to go through before they can come in our country. We need to know exactly who is coming in our country instead of letting people come in by the thousands freely. If you do not have a border, you do not have a country. Democrats see illegal immigrants as one thing and that is votes.

Please don’t hold your breath waiting for an explanation from Schumer as to why hedge fund billionaires are exempt from income taxes.

By the way, the Dems are not hapless (“useless geriatric limp dicks”). They are conniving criminals whose every word and act is scripted by big money. All theatre for the Pascalis while the real business of government- namely, business- proceeds not only unimpeded but enabled as the Dems work at every turn to enhance monopoly and hegemony.

In the New York special election, both sides spent an obscene amount of money. The GOP ran on the border “crisis” and the Dems ran on abortion rights. The result was an emphatic win for the Dems.

Meanwhile, in deeeeeeep red Oklahoma:

Dems have been over-performing by double digits everywhere across the nation since the Dobbs decision. The GOP is finding out what happens when the dog finally catches the car: the dog gets run over.

She doesn’t say the money will be spent on electing her father-in-law…

The RNC is going to set all its money on fire.

The freshly minted congressman from New York showed up for work early this morning.


In the 1950s, the corporate tax rate was over 50% and the highest income tax bracket charged 90%. From that emerged the economic hyperengine of the American middle class.

Then we took a sledgehammer to that successful mechanism, reducing the corporate tax rate to 30% and the highest income tax bracket rate to 37%. The middle class became the working class and the working class became the working poor.

How’s the other side doing?

  • GE reported $7 billion in profit in 2023, and got a $423M refund for their taxes.

  • T-Mobile reported $10.9B in profit, but paid only $42M in taxes — a .4% effective tax rate.

There’s a reason there’s massive debt and a massive deficit. Spoiler alert: it’s not because of the family barely hanging on thanks to food stamps.

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