The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Epictetus: “When any person does ill by you, or speaks ill of you, remember that he acts or speaks from an impression that it is right for him to do so. Now, it is not possible that he should follow what appears right to you, but only what appears so to himself. Therefore, if he judges from false appearances, he is the person hurt; since he too is the person deceived. For if any one takes a true proposition to be false, the proposition is not hurt, but only the man is deceived. Setting out, then, from these principles, you will meekly bear with a person who reviles you; for you will say upon every occasion, ‘It seemed so to him.’”

I’m sure you would like to know. Specifically because you will never hear the negatives of illegal immigration on the liberal media. I’ll try to explain it so even Hudson can understand as well. Hudson, you might read this very slowly. I’ll start out saying that I have no problem with immigrants coming here LEGALLY. Like it or not, illegal immigrants bring us terrorists, human traffickers, drug dealers, criminals and bring diseases into the country undocumented. Those of you who are so afraid of Covid should understand that. Illegal immigrants cost the government in increased expenditures for Medicare, law enforcement, and education. Illegal workers don’t pay enough in taxes to recompense what they cost. This costs the taxpayers of many Americans billions of dollars every year. Yes illegal immigrants work cheaper. They also bring wages down for Americans who are struggling to provide for their families. Democrats love illegal immigration because they will eventually vote Democrat since Democrats allowed them to come to America illegally.

Who peed in your cheerios, little guy?

Bigusdickus, “when one regularly tells you the sky is pink yet you know it’s blue. Fuck that guy”


You sure you’re on the right account?

Yes, same basic account since about 1996-97.

These superbowl commercials telling Christians to act like Jesus is going to piss of a lot of evangelicals.


One can only hope.

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They’ll label them CINOs

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I haven’t paid attention…which ones?

I think it’s for “He Gets Us” or something like that. You’d know it if you’d seen them.

They’re paid for by the Hobby Lobby wingnuts. I wouldn’t discount their agenda just yet.


Not sure if I would or not, but thanks

Taylor Swift, caring Jesus, Pfizer and Bud Light?

MAGA heads are going to be exploding like the end of Kingsmen.


That Robert Kennedy Jr. ad was dismal…and embarrassing for the Kennedy family.


I kinda felt like I needed a vaccination.


Thank You.

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If only the illegal immigrants pouring into the United States felt like they needed vaccinations. Oh wait… liberals don’t care if they are carrying deadly diseases and exposing everyone to it. Come on in! The door is open.