The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I can confirm. The best people are saying it.

Thanks for the Great Lakes

I canā€™t decide if this is a fake account for ā€œShorethingā€ or ā€œDwadā€. The incoherence makes me lean towards Shorething, but the obvious similarities in style and wording make me lean heavily towards Dwad.

Maybe itā€™s time for my own ā€œQ-foil hatā€. Theyā€™re all the same person?

By the way, the massive construction of new apartments seen everywhere is not to accommodate some off-the-radar surge in the ā€˜nativeā€™ population, as that population is declining. Rather, the surge is to accommodate the millions of migrants arriving each year over the Southern border. You might ask yourself ā€œHow can these migrants pay the rent on a modern apartment so soon after arrival?ā€ The answer is, they canā€™t. And, they wonā€™t. You will. The corporate media buried the story on command, but the tenant-on-steroids today is Government paying rent for the slaves for Money. From you, the poor, to Money. This is the ā€˜new economyā€™, the way the New Democrats, whose spunk you gargle with, would have it. Expect a push for a federal law requiring states to require localities to provide public housing without regards to migrant status and parallel stories on banksā€™ exposure to apartment construction loans. What you wonā€™t hear is that the New Democrats enacted taxes on Money to cover this.

They both appear in my feed as ā€œ2 HIDDEN REPLIES,ā€ so they look like the same person to me.

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Does anyone remember ā€œTowlieā€? Thatā€™s back when trolls could be fun. Our current trolls have very little to offer.

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Limey adds nothing. He shouts CNN liberal lies every day. When is the last time anyone has ever seen him post a baseball related post?

Neil is very fragile. He got his feelings hurt long ago.

On. A. Loop.

Europe is a nice continent. Be a shame if something happened to it.

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I bet it was Canada.


Putin has already said heā€™s coming for Alaska. Heā€™ll do it too, if his guy wins in November.

This is the stupidest goddam thing Iā€™ve ever read. You-sir, madam, or other-are a complete imbecile if you believe this for real.
poeā€™s law writ large.


Or Mr Happy


The ā€œdinosaurs are making more oil as we speakā€ thread is one of the greatest things Iā€™ve ever read on this site.

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Democrats have tried to address immigration reform, Republicans said no, no, no.

Democrats have tried to normalize the status of Dreamers, Republicans said no, no, no.

Boomy is quite right that Republicans like the immigration situation just the way it is. They get a steady supply of low-paid labor which benefits their donor class and at the same time they get to demagogue the issue which appeals to their pigfucker base. But his both siderisming (or outright blaming things on Democrats) is, like all attempts at both siderism, deliberately obfuscating and knowingly false.

And another thing, letā€™s assume for a moment that dotty misspeaking senile / cunning international criminal mastermind Joe Biden did in fact raise taxes while no one was paying attention and is in fact, as accused, going to use those funds to build affordable housing in which undocumented immigrant individuals and families are going to live. Someoneā€™s going to need to explain to me why thatā€™s a problem.


Democrats love open borders. They love people pouring in who will eventually vote Democrat since that is who is letting them in, diseases, drugs and all.

A par week for the old demented sock puppet.

Help me to understand the problem here. As near I can tell:

  • crime rates in immigrant communities here in the U.S. are less than non-immigrant communities.

  • a longstanding U.S. tradition is to fill low level service and manual labor jobs that Americans wonā€™t do with immigrants that will. Every community across this country is plastered with help wanted signs. No one that wants to work isnā€™t and thereā€™s a massive surplus of unskilled job openings.

  • immigrant communities that are maturing into communities of naturalized (voting) citizens are shifting sharply right and voting more conservative.

  • ā€œGive me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe freeā€ is a longstanding American tradition regardless of party.

  • immigrants pay more taxes per capita, pay their bills more regularly, commit less crime than their citizen counterparts and are a massive net gain on the economy and tax revenues.

So, whatā€™s the actual problem here? I really want to know.


If you want an honest, thoughtful answer youā€™re asking the wrong person. But Iā€™m sure you knew that.

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Itā€™ll go like this:

ā€œI donā€™t owe you anything, maggotā€

Then immediately posts yet another unhinged conspiracy theory involving thousands of incredibly disciplined secret keepers to once again move the goalposts to a completely different football field.