The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


Please answer a question for me about January 6th and Trump.

Of the following choices which is closest to your opinion. Please feel free to give details if you would like to explin your views.

  1. January 6th was just Americans excercising their rights and freedoms and they were within those rights so Trumps involvement doesn’t matter.

  2. January 6th was an illegal insurrection but Trump had nothing to do with it.

  3. Trump lead/started the events of that day but was justified because he won the election and thats how he needed to act on those facts.

  4. Trump lead/started the events of January 6th and shouldn’t have done it but should be exempted of any punishment because he was President.

I’m very interested in your view.

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  1. It was all an elaborate Deep State plot (you know this is the correct response in his world)

What I find most shocking is how insulated they are, like somehow some small set of ‘leftists’ are the only ones upsed by the insurrection, by Dobbs, etc. They live in such a bubble I’m surprised their heads don’t explode.
Cue a DWARD patented ‘demented sock puppet’ rant…
ETA, didn’t he answer one of his own posts forgetting to change accounts to OK Boomer and then deleted it?


My question is an honest one and I am not trying to judge assume or lead in any way.

Its well known that he and I have much different views but learning about each other is how those differences are bridged and we come to understand each other.

We don’t have to agree to understand, or respect.

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First, we have to agree on what facts are.


Or value them. I don’t think it’s only morons who have abandoned the idea of facts, even intelligent people and most of the press have as well. It’s mainly laziness and fear motivating the latter.


The federal government really needs to tighten up its act on the handling of classified documents. The president or VP - any president or VP - shouldn’t just be allowed to wander off with classified shit just because they want to; even if they have good reason at the time.

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The press doesn’t report on the news any more, they report on what people are saying about the news.

If one person says it’s raining and another person says it isn’t, the press will report “both sides” of the disagreement instead of putting its fucking head out of the fucking window and telling us whether it is fucking raining or fucking not.



I do not like what happened January 6th. I believe President Trump had every right to doubt the “results” of the election. President Trump did not tell anyone to tear into the Capitol. In fact, it was quite the opposite. “Peacefully and Patriotically” were the words he used. He told people to not do what the BLM and Antifa groups had done, which is burning police cars, buildings, family businesses, etc. Those thugs are the true insurrectionists. That is also part of the problem because that is the example that they have set. What I really want to know is why Capitol police led people through the Capitol and showed then where to go and essentially made it easy for thugs to go through the Capitol. I believe all of those thugs should be in jail, along with BLM and Antifa groups. There is a hell of a lot more to this story than anyone here knows or pretends to know.


And the reason for no recommendations on punishment or jail time is due to the old demented sock puppet’s age and poor memory. The old demented sock puppet knew why he had classified documents and knew who he was selling/showing them to. This is truly hysterical.

Trump celebrated his likely victory in from of SCOTUS over claims that he incited an insurrection, but going in front of the cameras and confirming that Jan 6 was, in fact, an insurrection (but it was somehow caused by Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi).

Hahaha the Democrats have nothing.

For the plebes, there is an indictment and trial before acquitting due to not remembering the crime you committed. Wait- that is NOT an excuse to not indict Biden. Well, except for the Deep State, where any turd flung on the wall sticks.

It’s not about an ideology with the Deep State, DWARD. It’s a corporation and it is about money today and control (allowing for money tomorrow). Biden was just immunized for being a good-boy President, with a farcical notion, and none in here have any problem with that as they rage about Trump not having immunity.

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You two sure seem to have some strong opinions for someone who clearly hasn’t read the damn report.

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Just unblocked this thread for the first time in a long time. Still a complete and total shitshow. What value do you fucks get out of this?


Just playing for the love of the game at this point…


This fuck views the thread as a news feed brought to me by Limey, which I find informative.

The shitshow aspect doesn’t bother me; it’s a reflection of our society at the moment.


I ain’t givin’ no Clarece Thomas no tree fiddy

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Limey continuously lies to everyone daily. He is extremely brain washed and should not be trusted about anything. He never ads anything to baseball related posts. He thinks about President Trump day and night. He really needs to be on meds.