The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Alito just fellated Trump’s attorney, in case you weren’t sure about which way he was going to go.

Sotomayor just got Trump’s attorney to admit that the constitutional gymnastics of his argument would exempt Trump - and only Trump - from the provisions of the 14th amendment. No other president before or after Trump - should they have engaged in insurrection - would be exempted under the principles that he’s arguing.

Thomas gets first go at the plaintiff’s attorney. Hard to take this as anything other than a fuck you by Roberts to allow the most obvious case for recusal under their new code of ethics to get the prime slot.

Thomas is pricking on about the fact that the attorney cannot provide any examples of a state denying eligibility to a national candidate. The attorney points out in all the ways that the absence of a prior example doesn’t mean that Trump is exempt, and Thomas stamps his feet because he wants an example.

Roberts and Alito have been policing any speech in this hearing about whether or not Trump actually committed insurrection. They’re desperate for that not to come anywhere close to being determined by this case.


Justice Kegstand tried to mic drop on the fact that this element of the constitution hasn’t been touched in over a hundred years. Plaintiff’s attorney punched back pretty hard, pointing out that it’s because no one has done anything like this since the Civil War.

In case you’re interested, Gorsuch has been head-and-shoulders the most combative/aggressive in their questioning. Gorsuch is the only one who was cited in the plaintiff’s brief in support of Trump’s exclusion.

Thomas was given the lead-off role against both sides, and has said absolutely nothing once his prepared propaganda had been presented.

Alito is so in the bag that his words are almost completely muffled.

Kegstand is in the bag, and also is clearly on Team Trump.

Roberts is desperate not to allow any opinion of Trump’s guilt to be established.

Serena Joy has drawn some blood from both sides, but on peripheral (or seemingly peripheral to me) issues.

Kagan has been mostly quiet, focusing on the states’ rights issue - in that they get to run elections however they see fit.

Sotomayor got Trump’s attorney to punch himself in the junk using the power of her intellect.

KBJ rope-a-doped Trump’s attorney on multiple occasions. Leading him down alleyways he thought he wanted to go before running him over with a dump truck when he had no way to escape.

Nice clap-back from plaintiff’s attorney. Pressed on the possibility that supporting the Colorado decision could disenfranchise voters in other states, he pointed out that Trump tried to disenfranchise 81 million voters around the country who voted for Trump.

That’s not going to make a difference, but it needs to be said.

Thomas opens against the Colorado Sec. of State. He challenged her on the quality of the procedure she followed and she told him that, constitutionally, that’s none of his fucking business. That was all from Thomas.

Legal migrants are not slaves, and slaves are what Money needs. Money is bipartisan, of course, although many in here write as if they don’t understand this. The southern border is “open” because Money needed more slaves. Trump pretended to want to restrict this but at the same time he increased the number of seasonal and temporary work permits by more than the ‘reductions’ on the southern border. Trump works for Money. Biden does, too. But the gravity of the shortage of slaves caused Biden to not even pretend as Trump did.

‘Legal’ migrants are entitled to a pathway. There is no big profit in this.

Money can migrate any times it wants to. It buys shares in an apartment building and gets the “Entrepreneurial” visa. Money is not restricted, at all. The “investments” are a sham. But, nobody cares, since this is Money.

The “issue” is political theater, served up as Red Meat due to the Brown skin.

For the record, Governor Strangelove also works for Money (who needs more slaves) and is overacting to a farcical level.

Alito is genuinely arguing with the CO SoS that her action is dangerous because other states will retaliate. She politely blew it off as nonsense and was completely off guard when Alito pushed back more than once that upholding the law might encourage law breakers to break the law.

Oh go ahead and let them rob the bank. If we stop them, they’ll only try again next week.

MSNBC pundits all agree that SCOTUS will overturn the CO decision, likely with more than the fascist 5 supporting the decision.

Of course they will.

I saw both CNN and MSNBC tuned into Trump and gave the lying dumbass a podium to rant about this that and the other. The networks never learn.

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The Colorado lawyer clerked for Gorsuch in the court of appeals (and Kagan in the Supreme Court).

Consensus seemed to be that he failed to challenge the court to adhere to is claimed textualism. Left too many doors open for interpretation, and the justices - maybe all 9 - are going to walk through them.

Can’t they just say “insurrection hasn’t yet been proven, exclusion is premature” and legitimately wash their hands of it without setting precedent?

Katyal is always correct in his calling of these things.

He was the one calling out the attorney for not challenging the court to stick to its own rules of interpretation. 2nd amendment says you can have guns, end of argument; 14th amendment says Trump can’t be president, end of argument.

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Katyal’s full comments (video in link).

You can’t take someone off of the ballot because you don’t like him and the fact that he is likely to win.

Senate approves Ukraine/Taiwan/Israel funding bill 67-32, blowing past the 60-vote threshold needed for passage.

Word is that Mike Johnson has already started punching himself in the dick today, partly because he knows he now has to handle this bill and partly because today ends in a “y”.


But you can if he was involved (or started/lead) an insurrection against the United States of America.

The constitution spells that out eventhough it would just assumed to be common sense in any other country. Actually Trump would be executed or at least in prison in any other country.