The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Here are some more fun facts on illegal immigrants.

Immigration benefits the economy. As an immigrant myself, I have first hand experience of this, as upon arrival I needed to buy a car, rent an apartment, buy furniture etc., so we bring dollars into the economy and we pay taxes. Even so-called “illegal immigrants” pay taxes while putting $12 billion more into Social Security than they take out.

The problem right now is that there is almost no way to emigrate to the US legally from elsewhere, unless you have special status (rare) like I did, and/or you have an employer sponsor you. People who want to come here for a better life - to work hard and raise a family - are totally shit out of luck. Only asylum seekers have the opportunity to show up and make a case for themselves, and they are sent back at an extraordinarily high rate; a rate that has gone up under Biden.

The problems at the boarder (sic) are caused by these uber-strict immigration laws and by a lack of funding of the apparatus needed to process and release/return asylum seekers. This funding is one of the things the erstwhile bipartisan deal was intended to fix, but that would then remove the visual of lines of brown people at the border, which doesn’t help the electoral chances of the son of an immigrant, husband to immigrants (with associated chain migration) and father of anchor babies currently running for the GOP nomination.

The really stupid thing is Marjorie Taylor Greene that the deal didn’t loosen the rules one bit. It was mostly about funding greater enforcement and processing. And the GOP killed it because Orange Jesus told them to.

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“I want cheap groceries!”

“No more immigrants!”


Exactly. Legal immigration should be much much easier and illegal immigration should be … wait for it … illegal! But the first has to happen before the second has any real meaning. And allowing an open border along with the promise (or even expectation) of amnesty undermines both goals (and creates additional problems as well).


Trump’s Little Johnson. I’m still laughing, except that it implies a bigger Johnson.

I think the issue is that border isn’t open. At all.

Yes, some people slip through, and that’s always going to be the case. But the eye-popping numbers that get bandied about by critics of the Biden administration are of those seeking asylum and others apprehended trying to enter the country. I.e. people who have not slipped through.

You are so full of shit. Illegal immigrants are literally pouring in by the thousands on a daily basis because of your idiot President.

You go to Stormy with the Johnson you have, not the Johnson you might want or wish to have at a later time


It’s a problem so dangerous that the orange dipshit says, don’t fix it. The border patrol says the bill that was offered would be the best legislation in 30+ years. But the senile shitbag America hating trump tells his cult members it is bad for HIM. So they cave.

So either the border isn’t a problem, or orange Jesus is more important. Anyone with a brain knows the answer. 20% of the country likes Trump more than America.


That’s ridiculous. The old demented sock puppet has done more damage at the border than any President in American history. He has no defense other than to blame President Trump. Democrats love illegal immigrants.

Zachary Taylor would like a word

SCOTUS hears the appeal of the Colorado ruling that Trump is ineligible for the 2024 ballot. Starts at 9am (CST) and the audio stream is available as well as it being carried live on some news networks.

Set list:

  • Team Trump gets 40 minutes
  • Team Democracy gets 30 minutes
  • Colorado SoS gets 10 minutes

Just a reminder that Clarence Thomas will be sitting in judgement over whether the happenings of Jan 6 - which his wife helped facilitate - amounted to an insurrection. This isn’t even conflict adjacent; this is a direct fucking conflict of interest.

Rudy’s bankruptcy filing dropped yesterday. Basically, he was doing fine until he agreed to drop everything and join Team Trump.

Rudy Giuliani testified in bankruptcy court on Wednesday that he was doing well financially making great money at a prestigious law firm until Donald Trump asked him to take over his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Now, three years later, he is broke and insolvent.

Giuliani said he was forced to finally file for bankruptcy because of the $148 million judgment against him from Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss and other pending lawsuits against him. He also testified that, despite sacrificing everything for Trump, Donald Trump’s campaign and the RNC refused to pay any of his legal bills for his efforts.

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SCOTUS Hearing:

Early on, Thomas goes first and lobs a couple of softballs at Trump’s attorney.

Roberts focusing on the “states’ rights” element, which is a potential off-ramp for SCOTUS here.

Sotomayor whips out her scalpel and removes the attorney’s jugular: states have used the 14th amendment countless times to deny ballot access to inedible persons, so why should that be different here?

I will be shocked if they don’t end up saying “States will determine who is on the ballot…but one of them must be Trump”.

A Bush v. Gore “one-time” non-precedent? Possibly. This court basically does whatever the fuck it wants.

Basically. “Yes, we can and probably will someday exclude someone from the ballot…but not this time.”

Kagan just got Trump’s attorney to punch himself in the dick; made him admit that he has nothing without “Griffin”, which Sotomayor has already destroyed.

This is all theater. Trump appointed three of these clowns just for this purpose. Thomas was part of the shenanigans, and Alito would sell his wife and kids into slavery if it meant “owning the libs”. It’s in the bag for Trump.


I don’t disagree. It’s going to be interesting to see how they do it, but they’re going to force Trump onto the ballot.