The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I personally would like to see Obama deported back to Kenya.

The delayed response from the DC appellant court over Trump’s claim of total immunity (which is a fucking lay-up) has reached the point where it puts in jeopardy the March 4th trial date for Trump’s Jan 6 law-breaking. It’s crazy that they’re taking so long here, especially as people are voting in primaries right now.

The silver lining here is that Alvin Bragg is ready to go with his criminal case over Trump’s business law-breaking, and can step into the void.

The judge vacated the March 4 trial date on Friday. No new date yet.

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Cat. 5 Ketchup Warning:

For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution.

So, would they have made a different decision if he’d been the sitting president?

They didn’t want to touch that question. Leave this finding as narrow as possible so there’s no reason for the SC to take up an appeal.

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Orrrrrr…they left SCOTUS an opening to reverse, based on the fact that the crimes here were committed (allegedly) while he was president. I hope you’re right; it makes sense for SCOTUS to leave this the fuck alone. But you can’t trust those fuckers to do what’s right or sensible.

For example, the scandal-plagued Justices recently signed a new ethics pledge where they would voluntarily recuse themselves where there was even the chance of an appearance of conflict. Yet, tomorrow Clarence Thomas is going to sit in judgement of whether Trump can be removed from ballots for participating in the same election theft attempt as his (Thomas’) wife.

[insert “crazy pills” gif here]

Beyond that, addressing that question only muddles the question at hand. Wise not to go there, IMO.

I think we’re two days away from founding this out? Aren’t the insurrection disqualification cases being argued on Thursday?

Yep. My theory is that SCOTUS will pass on the immunity appeal but somehow find a way to interfere with state-run elections. Classic Roberts baby-splitting.

Of course, Roberts lost control of his court with the elevation of Barrett, so any Roberts-based theorizing is always going to be perilous.

SCOTUS math on it taking Trump’s immunity appeal:

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 12.05.49 PM

So it comes down to Rapey McKegstand. Great.

How are things going for down-ticket Trumpists and wannabe VP candidates?

They quit working for her but they didn’t quit talking:

“Nancy is delusional as a boss,” the unidentified employee continued. “She says nothing publicly without her consultants or senior staffers telling her to, but takes credit for everything. She’s a walking teleprompter.”

“She’s only able to hire former George Santos staffers right now.”


Fine by me.

Even (some) Fox News hosts are calling him out for this blatant interference in a national security issue. MAGA will be with him no matter what, but he’s going to turn off the independents he needs to get over the hump.

So Mike Johnson tried to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas - the first impeachment of a cabinet secretary since the 18-somethings. Pure theater as there was no crime or misdemeanor, just a policy difference.

And. He. Did. Not. Have. The. Votes.


Oh, and Ronna Romney McDaniel resigned as RNC chair.

Oh, and the Michigan GOP still has two people claiming to be the state chair but no one knows which one is the real chair.

Oh, and Florida’s chairmanship is still vacant after the thruple rape allegations hit the former occupant.

Oh, and Nevada’s chair (and a number of others) go on trial soon for being fake electors. And Trump is not on the ballot in today’s primary but is on the ballot in Thursday’s competing caucus, while Haley is not. No one knows which one is the valid form of election for the state’s nominee.

What an absolute fucking clown show.


Elect clowns, expect circuses- the QOP.


Mike Johnson just got fucked so hard his son’s phone got a notification.


What else would you expect from Trump’s little Johnson?


The results of Nevada’s primary are in. Without Trump on the ballot, Haley came in…second. The winner was “none of the above.”

Totally normal party politics stuff.

Well I voted for Biden and assuming my vote is counted in these rigged and stollen elections hopefully he’ll edge out Marianne Williamson.


Biden “recently met with” someone dead for 28 years, and this senility does not bother a single one of you. The President of the U.S. is a marionette and you don’t care because you suck off the ones pulling the strings. You have neither honor nor integrity nor respect for the rule of law:

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The old demented sock puppet is at it again. His most recent speech: “Asay lu mo, asylo offishers… en over 100 cutting edge especta jeddy section machines! To stop fentanyl komma shass ah ah southwest border!”

Democrats love this man. He is nothing but a puppet that Obama is pulling the strings on. The best part of the old demented sock puppet ran down his mother’s leg.