The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

We also learned that “job creators” are not essential; medical workers, farm workers, meat packers, delivery drivers and grocery store workers are.


Yes, and when you do all that you can to drive oil and gas prices up, it costs farmers more to raise crops, it costs more for delivery drivers to deliver goods, it drives the costs of meat and groceries up. People will have less money as a result. The old demented sock puppet announced his war on energy in the previous presidential debates.

C’mon, Chuck. Don’t be obtuse. We both know all those welfare queens are driving around in fancy new Cadillacs.


My grocery bill is sharply down, as is every other consumer and corporate cost for goods and services. Inflation is down to 3.4% and wage increases for the year are 4.6%, continuing the multi year stretch of wage increases outpacing inflation.

The genius moves of the Fed, on behalf of all Americans, to save and rebound this economy after the pandemic as large swaths of the rest of the world descend into recession are undeniable to anyone with even the most basic intellectual capacity. The Fed, regardless of politic, deserves our undying gratitude and respect.

And to circle back to my comment from a couple of weeks ago about raising one’s gaze above their own naval, 34% of Republicans “feel the economy Is hurting them” yet, if you change the question ever so slightly to “do you think the economy in your region (county scale) is good or very good”, 54% of Republicans reply agree, or strongly agree.


I once asked my dad, a 34 year army officer, “what do you think the most important profession in America is?“. He thought for a minute and then said emphatically, “truck drivers“ and then told me a few interesting stories about army logistics, non-military corporate logistics, and how they sustain a society and sustain an economy. When the pandemic started, he called and asked if I remember that conversation (of course I did) and said, “I guess now we will find out…”.


Tonight, Biden took military revenge on brown people in a desert. Waiting to see what nonsense the GOP will come up with to criticize this.

Sure it is…. I spent over $200 just today for groceries and supplies that costed far under that amount not all that long ago. Inflation is still higher than at any time during the Trump presidency.

Why else would the old demented sock puppet point the finger? He’s trying to blame high inflation and high costs on goods and services on other people.

Oh, mike johnson has already said the predictable QOP jibberish after the attack.

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“… but growth in the United States stands out.”

Which, of course, makes our growth OUTSTANDING.


And here’s another thing that caught my eye. Everybody knows that Biden and Mayorkas are America hating globalists who deliberately leave our BOARDERS WIDE OPEN permitting an unrelenting stream of destitute people and dangerous terrorists who, upon arrival, are immediately given Social Security benefits and all of whom immediately VOTE DEMOCRAT and that wait what

U.S. Quietly Resumes Deportation Flights Deep Into Mexico
The flights, which had been paused for nearly two years, are designed in part to discourage migrants from repeatedly trying to cross into the U.S.
Central American migrants descend from a plane in Tapachula, Mexico, in 2021, after they were expelled from the United States.

oh I see now we’ve giving them FREE PLANE RIDES hey why not just take them all to Disney what happened to the good old days when we’d just snatch kids from their parents oh now you need a blanket do you well too bad your parents should have thought of that before they left Honduras


Democrats love open borders.

Well as 2023 came to an end, it marked another year with the dumbest and most unsuccessful president the United States has ever had. I’m not sure how much longer the Democrat Party can leave the old demented sock puppet propped up. He may be the worst President since Jimmy Carter and that’s really saying something.

Actually, 2.64 million jobs were lost. The seasonal adjustment factor for January, arising in a mathematical model where malls hire everyone for our holiday brick-and-mortar shopping spree, added 3 million jobs.

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Plane rides? Next they’ll be giving them an in-flight meal!

Attorney Roberta Kaplan said former President Donald Trump threw papers across a table and stormed off during a deposition at Mar-a-Lago after learning that his legal team had agreed to provide her lunch.

Hide the ketchup.

curious: any sources for this?

I still don’t see the numbers you’re talking about, please do explain


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The fact that they’re denying it just proves it:

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