The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

If you’re wondering where Judge Engoran’s decision is, it may be on hold given that Allan Weisselburg reportedly is copping a plea to perjury in his testimony in the case in front of Engoran.


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I really think it is the previous two speeches that really has gained the old demented sock puppet some voters. That and the old demented sock puppet is great at getting foreign money for his election efforts.

His speeches are summarized as follows: “Kwo teeest Donald Trump inha valulba lessah, don’t mess withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih” and “beer brew here ish used to make the brew beer here fighter oooh earth rider thanks for the great lakes I wonder watch” I can tell everyone here is really fired up about these speeches. Hopefully he addresses mobilizing truananazpressur soon. That will really tip the scale in his favor. I have been on pins and needles waiting for truananazpressur to be mobilized.

I hear dead people are really fired up about these speeches.

Why does Walt Nauta stick to Trump like glue?


The economy added 353,000 jobs in January…January! The expectation was 180,000.

That’s two years of constant sub-4% unemployment, the longest streak since the Vietnam War era.

Wages rose 4.5% in 2023 while inflation was 3.4% over the year.

Oh, and the stock market hit another record high yesterday.

Fox et al can deny it, but people will feel this in their lives.

The Lincoln Project has always been a bunch of right-wing trolls. But, damn! They’re good at trolling. Video in the link.

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Please tell us in detail how your grocery bill is doing. The media can make up whatever they want the public to believe before the election and some idiots, such as yourself, will believe it. Limey loves inflation.

Can someone tell me what “Kwo teest” means? I am just going back to the old demented sock puppet’s recent speeches with an open mind. I’m thinking if I can just understand what “Kwo teest” means, I might can work my way through the rest of the speech. Clearly, this resonated with Democrats and they like him “Kwo teesting.” I feel like once I understand what that means, I’ll be as fired up as Democrats are.

This is clearly the GOP running interference for Trump, but…

…if they find something wrong then that needs to be addressed.

Being on board with accountability is not that hard.

Bidenomics. The Democrats are paying those people to work.


But I thought the Republicans were the job creators!


No, that’s the wealthy.

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It’s so unfair.

The whole Rich people are job creators nonsense always amuses me. The job creators are the people who buy the shit that people make and sell. Want more jobs? Make sure the people buying shit have more money to spend. Ever wonder why tax cuts to the people that need them the least and (especially) misguided attempts to ‘rein in wasteful government spending’ invariably fuck the economy up? Well, now you know.


If we learned anything from the pandemic, which is highly doubtful, is that giving people money to spend helps everyone.


Who is “earth rider?” The old demented sock puppet who you all think is an economic genius seemed pretty enamored by him/her. Right in the middle of his “beer brew here” speech, he stopped and said “ooooh earth rider.” I’m just curious as to who this is and is he/she responsible for mobilizing truananazpressur?

If we learned anything from the Great Depression…



A trial GBI (Guaranteed Basic Income) program in Austin wrapped up in August 2023. It offered 135 low income families $1k a month for one year.

According to an analysis done by the Urban Institute, recipient spent over half the money on rent or housing costs. The rest went to basic needs, bills, investing, and giving to others.


This is another thing that amuses me, the idea that public assistance goes to poor people so they can get more tattoos and Kool cigarettes as if these funds don’t get immediately plowed back into the local economy with a multiplier effect.