The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

This election will have absolutely nothing to do with the border, which makes Trump’s effort to delay progress there confounding. It’s not the first time politicians have delayed needed action in order to score political points to address a real problem but it sure seems like the most cynical.

This election will be about abortion and abortion alone. Bet on it.


Agreed. And the GOP loses this issue 2:1.


Dear Dwad,

I still eagerly await your detailed explanation (void of deflection) about how Obama, Biden, the DoJ, jurors consisting of fellow average citizens, and various judges have conspired to “get Trump”.

You have made this claim repeatedly. It’s time you support it with facts. Actual facts.

You can’t do it. How does that feel?


Go Fuck Yourself



You talk big for a little, unsuccessful guy who lives in his parent’s basement, playing video games and reading comic books that your mother bought you all day. Why did Obama have Trump wiretapped? Why did the Democrats get a fake FISA warrant to spy on Trump? Why did the Democrats investigate Trump about “Russia Collusion” only to find nothing against Trump? Why did Obama give the Wuhan lab millions? Why are they still after him? Each court and judge going after him is a liberal. I have an idea since I don’t owe you a damn thing and quite honestly, I cannot fix your stupidity. How about you give me solid facts that the Democrats aren’t funding this “get Trump” vendetta?

You can’t do it. How does that feel?


Go slide down a razor blade

The election will be one side trying to define the choice as revolving around ‘aren’t you better off in these ways? Don’t you want to continue getting better?’ vs the other side trying to define it as ‘we speak the same language, and I’m the tough guy outsider who is going to kick so much ass they’ll never stop screaming about it or trying to stop us.’ It’s a beauty pageant for thought and emotional processes, driven by a massive media machine that feeds on traffic and volume.

This is great. WVDUMBASS will understand this since it is a cartoon. He watches those every morning after his mother wakes him up and brings him a bowl of fruity pebbles and a flinstones vitamin.

Surely his parents will make him go out and get a job someday.

No. Trump is going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it.

Sarcasm aside, in 2016 Trump had a reputation (outside of NYC) of being a tough, smart, successful businessman because NBC created that for him. “Independents” (ie people who don’t pay attention) went with the “how bad could it be” protest vote against politics as usual.

In 2024, all the Glade in the world can’t cover up the stink from his diaper. Independents have seen how bad it could be. Trump’s performance thus far in the nomination fight is the worst of any prior president. 30% of Haley Republicans say they will vote for Biden if she’s not the GOP candidate.

This stinks of a losing campaign. Hunter’s laptop is not Hillary’s emails. The finding out for Trump in 2024 has only just started and is only going to get much, much worse. Case in point: the NY fraud penalty announcement is due by Wednesday.

If you want proof that everybody including Trump knows he’s going to lose: he has already started with the “it’s rigged” rhetoric.

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Trump did build a wall. If Democrats have their way, they will take it down so illegal immigrants can pour into the United States.

I can’ wait until America has this moment of realization.


Because it was nothing. E Jean Carroll is a paid off fraud.

Jack Smith has subpoenaed the House Sergeant-at-Arms for documents. The SAA has complied.

You can’t wait to see Trump naked?

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How long before green triangles are deemed “woke”?


Going up in anticipation of a Trump presidency very soon. If the democrats can find enough votes for the old demented sock puppet to win, better get used to a down arrow.

Its astonishing how much the MAGA right is losing its mind over this.

So they want to cancel high school football now? People in Texas might have something to say about that.

All while ignoring the other big brainwash in their comment.


As part of our continuing January month of British movies, we watched Life of Brian last night.