The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I like shrapnel.

Who funded to have Trump wire tapped? Who funded the fake FISA warrant? Who started the fake Mueller investigation? Use your brain or what’s left of your burned out brain. I would say the Clintons, Obama and Soros are funding everything. Covid was no accident. Obama sent millions to the Wuhan lab. Why would he do that?


All a conspiracy theory that Democrats cling to.

Yeah… no proof. Just Qanon garbage.

I’m not a happy voter. I would actually like tangible information. You can’t produce it because it doesn’t exist. I’d LOVE to
Vote for someone else. Because I don’t have daddy issues like you do. I don’t need a strong daddy to tell me it’s going to be ok.

Dude… try this. What is it up think you need from a politician? Do they need to somehow reflect you as a person? If that answer even starts as a yes… you’re fucked. S

Wow you are even starting to talk like your daddy demented sock puppet. This makes absolutely no sense. What is it up? S? Is this Hunter? I’ve already expected that you do drugs by reading your incoherent and rambling posts. I guess we will know that you are a Biden if you start molesting little boys and girls. It’s pretty clear that you support that sort of thing since you are already on the record saying you voted for him.

When you saw what was going on in the Trump White House and wondered “WTF are they on?’

Now you know.

You are correct. That made no sense.

Am I the only person having a difficult time posting on a mobile device since the updates? If so, I’ll keep it to myself…

So, Trump was running a drug ring out of the Whitehouse (basement, I suppose), or he and his staff were jacked-up to the ceiling all the time.

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This is a test, this is only a test. It is my 1st message posted via phone with the new software. I am using Samsung S20whatever, and Android version whatever.

Eta: works for me

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I’ve had no trouble using the site from my phone either (other than mistyping every other word, which is hardly the site’s fault).

So what is the excuse for the old demented sock puppet and his recent gibberish episodes when speaking?

“Kwo teeest Donald Trump inha valulba lessah, don’t mess withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih” and “beer brew here ish used to make the brew beer here fighter oooh earth rider thanks for the great lakes I wonder watch” is not normal.

Yeah. I run in to problems after a couple of paragraphs. Regardless of how I orient the phone I can’t see what I’m typing. I can’t seem to trick the phone in to showing me where I am in the paragraph and it seems to skip around a bit.

I’ll just type things out in notes and copy/paste.

Carry on.

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Good god, Noe would be dying.


This is going to be what the rest of 2024 is going to be like for Trump surrogates.

With court cases lined up like buses at a Greyhound station, there will always be something new to ask about.

It’s part of the same conspiracy that stole the 2020 election.


What affects their kitchen table, huh? Like a booming economy, interest rates holding steady with no corresponding rise in unemployment, S&P at all time highs? That should shine up the old laminate a little.


So your grocery bill is at an all time low? How about vehicle prices? Inflation is still very high. Much higher than at any time during the Trump presidency.

They can’t run on the economy…or political achievements of any kind. Trump is going to be a tire fire of bad news all year. The only thing they have is “the border”, which they are deliberately keeping fucked to have as a wedge issue.

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