The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Oh, the Democrats are funding the U.S. District Court for SDNY? How, do you believe, they are doing that?

Dark Brandon casting shade.

By following orders from Obama/Biden to go after President Trump. They have paid off the judge and jury. It is a kangaroo court.

How about some proof? Like, real proof, not the jizz yā€™all consider proof.

Maybe use your brain? I know thatā€™s hard for Democrats to do.

Maybe Brandon will tell us all what the hell he was trying to say at his recent rallyā€™s.

So you got nothing.

Iā€™m able to look at the facts and see what the Democrat Party has attempted to do to President Trump since 2015. Wire tapping Trump, fake fisa warrants, fake Russia collusion mueller investigation, fake impeachments, paying off the liberal media to try to make Trump look bad by knowingly reporting Democrat lies. There is a clear pattern that you would have to be a complete idiot to not see. This is nothing but a continuation of the same bullshit. Deep down you see it. You just donā€™t want to see it.

Is there any reason at all to believe that Trump will not defame Ms Carroll again some time in the next fifteen minutes or so and we get to go through this a third time? Is there any reason to believe this will not be an endless cycle?


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His campaign drives him to continue to defame her. Itā€™s all lies, you see. Basically the entire US government, court system, bar association, media and randomly-selected people from his home town of New York are all conspiring to ā€œgetā€ Trump, so he has no option but to defend himself.

Itā€™s quite the thing to see someone punch themselves in the dick on a daily basis when the more it hurts the harder they punch. All he had to do after 2020 was go away - like every other losing presidential candidate before him. But his hubris and greed drove him to punch his own dick harder and harder and harder.

So, here we are. His dick is so swollen from being punched that itā€™s almost visible to the naked eye, and yet he keeps punching. Maybe at some point, it will stop being funny. But not yet.

So is Big Mikeā€™s.

Good luck with this one.

The ex-New York City mayor includes a ā€œpossible claim for unpaid legal fees against Donald J Trump.ā€ in the 26 January filing, which states that the amount is ā€œundetermined.ā€

[Insert GIF of pointing Spider-Men here]

So Biden is simultaneously a blithering idiot and also a James Bondian mastermind capable of keeping hundreds of people quiet about a far reaching and elaborate plan to ā€œget Trumpā€.

Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t live in your world.

In my world, politicians canā€™t even keep a simple blow job secret and things are typically what they appear to be.

Please tell us more about this vast conspiracy involving jurors, judges, lawyers, and the DoJ. Iā€™m on pins and needles.


Go back and read my post again. You skipped right across Obama. Biden is a sock puppet for him. You are not a very smart person, clearly.

Please tell us more about this vast conspiracy involving jurors, judges, lawyers, and the DoJ. Iā€™m on pins and needles.

Oops!!! I forgot that Obama was involvedā€¦ apologies!! Please inform us on how all of this works.

Like seriously. Provide SOMETHING. Otherwise tbh youā€™re so full of shit that I feel sorry for you.

Donā€™t fall back on some ā€œsock puppet blah blah blahā€

This man you follow is a weak and powerless fucktard.

Weak. Dumb. Powerless.

Understand? You worship a grifter. Personally, I give zero fucks who represents any party I might support.

I am convinced that you need a ā€œstrict daddyā€ to help you sort out your world view.

I feel bad for you.

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Well it makes me sad that the deep state is trying to get Trump because heā€™s fighting for us you know.

I better send him some more money. Whoops gotta go Kenneth Copelandā€™s on now.


You are really a spineless, insecure little maggot. You probably take pictures of the old demented sock puppet and young children to the bathroom with you. You probably still live with your parents in their basement and wake up every morning demanding that your mother make you smiley face pancakes because you feel as if you are entitled to them for free. After your pancake breakfast, you settle in for a long day of video games. You likely have no job and live off of your parentā€™s money and what little you can get from the government for some fake disability that you claim to have. After your long day of video games, you eagerly wait for Rachel Madcow to come on so you can hear something bad about the orange man. There is still time for you to turn your life around, though. Take small steps each day. I encourage you to go out and get a job. Get out of the basement and find yourself a place of your own to live. You will then begin to see how the real world works. If you have to work for something to better your life, you might just begin to understand that voting Democrat and voting for your hero, the old demented sock puppet, is not the answer. You can do it!