The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

If anyone pays this for him, look forward to new tax fraud charges.

Don’t forget that he’s looking at a $300+ million verdict in the other civil case.

Fun Fact: If he wants to appeal these verdicts, he has to pay the damages or post a bond. Any bond would be secured on his assets which is going to be an interesting process given that he has already been found guilty in NY of inflating the values of his assets to illegally obtain financial benefits.

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CNN described the compensatory damages as: “$18.3 million — $11 million to fund a reputational repair campaign and $7.3 million for the emotional harm caused by Trump’s 2019 public statements.”

He has a real knack for pissing off regular citizens. I heard they excluded anyone from the jury who was tuned into politics.

Yeah. My shorthand wasn’t very informative.

$7.3 million “compensation” was for the suffering suffered due to Trump’s defamatory statements. $11 million “reputational damage” was the cost of repairing such so, together, these were the compensatory damages.

Separately, the jury found that Trump acted with malice, hence the $65 million punitive award.

The jury, at least superficially, looked like Trump people: 7 men, 2 women, only one non-white.

All the awards - just like they were in the first case - were unanimous.

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Fun Fact: this will be overturned on appeal. Once the Democrats do not have control of the White House after the 2024 election, this will all go away.

Because that’s the way dictator wannabes work–get in office, make your problems go away.

There seems to be some confusion about the meaning of this word, “fun” — it does not magically transform your prediction into the realm of “fact”.

2024 is just getting started, Donny boy.

As he freely speaks. He is so fucking stupid.


Fun fact: Some error must be preserved in the trial court to form the basis for an appeal. Do you think Habba is capable of properly doing so?

With Trump, the appeal isn’t about winning or even having a legitimate basis for appeal; it’s about not paying…yet. The thing here is that it’s starting to get expensive to post the bonds required to be allowed to appeal, so the delay he seeks comes at an ever steeper cost. His E Jean Carroll bond is going to cost around $1 million to buy and require him to deposit around $20 million in cash plus receive liens on assets for the balance.

Extrapolate this to the NY business fraud trial. If that comes in - as is expected - at circa $300 million, the bond is going to cost him around $6 million to buy, and he’ll have to post $30-50 million in cash plus put up assets as collateral for the balance.

He has billions in assets, but they’re mortgaged to the hilt and many may be underwater on much of his portfolio due to the valuation shenanigans of which he has already been found guilty. The bond provider is going to need $200+ million in free-and-clear assets as collateral, none of which can be collateral used anywhere else on a bank loan, mortgage or other appeal bond.

And all of this will be happening under an order that bans him from doing business in NY.

ETA: I’m being generous in assuming that the bonds are going to cost 1% - 2%. The costs of bonds go up based on their size and how leveraged the buyer is. The cost to Trump could be much higher and they may require cash collateral of more than 10%. I once had an oil company client (during the 20-teens price crash) be required to post 100% cash collateral in order to be issued a bond. The state wouldn’t take cash in lieu of a bond from the oil company, so they had to deposit the cash with the bond provider and pay the bond premium. It wasn’t all bad news though; I got commission.

I think once they get out of a Democrat led, Democrat paid for court that isn’t being funded by the Democrat party to attempt to influence the election, everything will be cleared up.

Last time they had Covid to influence the election. This time they are using the courts.

Tell that to Limey, not me.

What are your thoughts on the old demented sock puppet?

I’ll give you some recent quotes from your fearless leader:

“Kwo teeest Donald Trump inha valulba lessah, don’t mess withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih”

“beer brew here ish used to make the brew beer here fighter oooh earth rider thanks for the great lakes I wonder watch”

Punitive damages can be reduced without a flagrant procedural error.

Don’t waste your time presenting facts. Democrats do not want to see facts. They want to see what promotes their agenda.

reduced, perhaps… but the multiplier here is ~3.5x comps. That’s reasonable in any federal appellate court that isn’t bound by some other statutory limit on punis.

Please explain why she should not.

There was a jury.

It was unanimous.

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Because he did not rape this person. He did not do anything. The jury was full of paid off Democrats and the judge is a Democrat following orders to “get Trump” from the crooked Democrat Party.

This case is politically motivated and is frivolous.