The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I bet they will ask him about withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih since the old demented sock puppet was pretty fired up about that.

His deposition testimony was damning, and the point of this trial is purely to determine compensation. If it were me, I wold’ve asked how rich he is, and then let him run up the bill by claiming he has billions and billions.

Apparently this was all discussed with the judge prior to Trump taking the stand. The judge, not wanting Trump to create a mistrial by going off on a ramble, had a very strict path the questioning could take.

Still, even in the extremely brief testimony, Trump was cut off by the judge. After saying that he stands by his deposition, Trump started to go into one about how this was all lies and the judge shut him the fuck up tout suite. And that was it.

This will all go away after Trump is elected once again.

Now do Bannon, FFS.

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Trump standing by his deposition 100% is hilarious because, in it, he pointed to E Jean “She’s Not My Type” Carroll and said it was his then wife Marla Maples.

Trump is caught between what’s good for him legally and what’s good for him politically. Standing by his deposition was the political option; let’s see what the jury does to him legally.

They did Bannon, he got the same. It’s on appeal and keeping his sleazy ass from serving his sentence.

Thanks for the reminder. I remember now that it was unprecedented that he got such a concession and federal courts basically send you directly to jail and don’t let you pass go.

Navarro is expected to get the same treatment. Which sucks.

Rich white men don’t have to go to prison even when they’ve been sentenced to prison.

No one has any thoughts on the old demented sock puppet’s speech? I didn’t think so. Liberals close their eyes and look the other direction when their favorite sock puppet makes an idiot of himself. Or maybe the idiot language resonates with liberal voters and they understand and support it?

The moment you decide that your dear leader might just possibly have faults you might have honest discourse. Until then, enjoy the void of fucks given to your opinion. I honestly think you have daddy issues.

Also… to the moderators. Wtf on trying to post on a phone after the recent updates?!?!?!


5 percent of 520,00 rapes the past 16 months = 26,000 pregnancies but the total of all rapes reported in the past year is around 14,500.

ETA: I’m in favor of most abortions, certainly rape and incest.

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Looking the other way at your dear leader’s obvious dementia I see. Typical liberal behavior.

You falsely assume that folks blindly follow a politician who isn’t Donald fucking Trump. This only applies to you.

You need an authoritarian “daddy” type that will tell you what you want to hear.

It is what it is.

Please pull some bullshit %’s out of your ass about how you think this election will go.

Good luck.

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Just admit it, you love the old demented sock puppet. You love how he gets lost, loses his train of tonight, starts shouting gibberish, molests children and makes himself look like an idiot.

Your “daddy” is the liberal media because you lack the cognitive ability to critically think on your own, much like other liberals. You have to have someone or something to cling to that will tell you how to think. Relying on others to do the heavy lifting is the liberal way.

It’s ok to admit you screwed up voting for this moron. Starting tomorrow, you should really try thinking on your own. Take it slow. I realize it won’t happen overnight. But I have confidence in you. You can do it!

Every accusation….

…is an admission by a liberal.

Oh boy… the old demented sock puppet is at it again in Wisconsin. There is no way the Democrat party can prop him up again. His dementia is simply taking him over.

His latest speech: “beer brew here ish used to make the brew beer here fighter oooh earth rider thanks for the great lakes I wonder watch.”

The old demented sock puppet just can’t form a rational thought.

I can’t read the article because of a paywall so I don’t know their methodology. My “back of the envelope” calculation is over the last 18 months since the Dobbs decision. There are about 15,000 reported rapes in Texas per year over the last few years. There seems to be a consensus of about 90% rapes go unreported, making the actual number about 150,000 / year. So about 225,000 since the Dobbs decision. At 5% pregnancy, that’s 11,250 pregnancies from rape in Texas since the Dobbs decision.

Not as high as the Chronicle number, but, I hope you would agree, a horrifying and nauseating number nonetheless.


Yep. Hell, any number above zero is horrifying and nauseating.


Trump does better with less educated voters.