The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Trump seems to think the Nikki Haley should accept her loss with grace and just go away.

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The E Jean Carroll trial is set to resume today, which is why Trump was up all night posting shit about her on Truth Social (over 30 posts on this subject alone). I imagine that all those posts have been printed off and will be on hand for when - as he has promised (and he always keeps his promises) - he takes the stand today.

Spoiler: he won’t be testifying. He can’t control himself and Hubba is clueless as to how to protect him on the stand. Where those posts - and the buhzillion others - will come into play is in the punitives section of the trial, where the plaintiffs attorneys will ask the jury for an answer to the question they posited in their opening statement: how much will it take to get him to stop?


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Economists predicted a recession in 2023. The GOP wanted a recession in 2023 (or 2024). Bidenomics delivered 3.3% growth, which is higher than any of the years under Trump.

Fun Fact: Peter Navarro is being sentenced today for contempt of congress.

Court has been gaveled in, but Trump is nowhere to be seen in the courthouse.

Inflation is also much higher than any time during the Trump presidency. How’s that grocery bill working out for you?

Guys, the old demented sock puppet is going to teach Donald Trump a valuable lesson: “Kwo teeest Donald Trump inha valulba lessah, don’t mess withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih.”

More great insights from the old demented sock puppet.

And this is just creepy.

He’s in the outhouse reviewing old files.

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Maybe the old demented sock puppet is out back fighting President Trump for withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih.

Apparently Dementia Donnie is in the house! This should be good!

The Trump defense has opened. The Guardian is doing live updates here. Donald Trump and E Jean Carroll in court as defamation trial resumes – live | Donald Trump | The Guardian.

Trump’s first witness is a former co-worker with Carroll, who confirmed that Carroll told her about the attack by Trump immediately after it happened. I can’t for the life of me guess why they put her on the stand.

I guess the old demented sock puppet couldn’t beat President Trump up for withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih.

What is everyone’s thoughts about the old demented sock puppet’s take on withawimming hinamimica unleash you wanna getha benevih?

Everything is political theatre with these jokers.

I wonder if Trump realizes he’ll be cross examined.

He’s the best at being cross examined. All the lawyers come up to him with tears in their eyes and say “sir, you are the best cross examined person ever, it’s amazing”.


It ended up a non-event. His lawyer had three questions, mainly “do you stand by your deposition testimony” and he was cross-examined with two questions that simply established he didn’t appear in the first trial.

That was about as good a job as Trump could have done.