The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

When you are the party of war, of the surveillance state and of the active suppression of all dissent, it is understandably taxing to keep pretending to have a moral compass.


Well, this hit the G(aslight) and P(rojection) right on the head.

Excuse me, sir, your Q is showing.


Proctologist. For head removal.

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Again, everything a conservative accuses normal people of is projection. I guess you were asleep during the GWB years?

There goes the patented liberal “I know you are but what am I” response. Surprise surprise.

I’ll speak for myself rather than on behalf of my fellow feudalists, but I certainly do not calibrate my own moral compass according to whatever the current Democratic Party platform happens to be. In fact, it’s supposed to be the other way around.


The bullshit meter is pegged on this one.

Yet another example of Republicans working to roll back child labor laws, because Dickens never subscribed to CRT.

Child labor suppresses the wages of adults and diminishes the kids’ ability to learn at school. Or, as the GOP would call it, a “win-win”.

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Hold on to your hats because, for all the distractions and nonsense that will swirl around Trump’s campaign, the actual campaign will be about a single topic:

What he said.


Sorry, but that’s a stupid ad. There better ways to get the message across.

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Trump beat Haley by 10 points in New Hampshire.

Biden beat his opponent by over 50 points, without even being on the ballot. People turned out to vote for a guy not on the ballot by writing in his name.

Cue NYT article about the enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden voters where they interview a bunch of old white dudes in a Columbus diner.

Wow. Somebody actually said it:

And perhaps more importantly, the outcome demonstrated this: For all of the hand-wringing about Biden’s weak approval ratings and polls showing him trailing Trump in a general election — and despite all of the anger here about Biden’s attempt to reorder the primary calendar — Democrats were still willing to rally behind him when it mattered.

You go ahead and tell that to yourself if it makes you feel good. Over 110,000 more people came out to vote for President Trump than the old demented sock puppet. The old demented sock puppet absolutely did not win by over 50 points. 47% of the people voted for someone other than the old demented sock puppet. You are a mis information machine. Seek help.

Add “drug dealing” to the list of Trump administration crimes.

FYI, the “unnamed doctor” in this article is almost certainly Ronnie Jackson, who himself often appears “over-medicated” and is now a GOP congressman for some godforsaken part of Texas. Ronnie also has demonstrated severe issues with determining weights and measures.

So, you are now claiming the NYT is pro-Trump and anti-Biden. Were you lobotomized?

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Everything is a grift to these people. Even Covid.

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Amarillo is not godforsaken. It’s not Oklahoma.


There’s good country music there. Abilene too.