The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The common factor in all of these “cases” are that they are Democrat led. Once President Trump embarrasses the old demented sock puppet in the election, these should all go away. There really is no point in them other than to influence the election.

Fortunately for Trump, unless the election is stolen, he won’t need any independent voters to win the general election.




Well basically the scale is tilted roughly 60/40 in favor of President Trump. He does have a very wide margin out the gate. Democrats will need plenty of “mail in voting” to win.

So you complain regularly about other people posting disinformation, but you pull numbers out of your ass daily to support your world view. Do you throw chicken bones on an Ouija board to come up with your bullshit?

Limey posts disinformation daily. He is a very disturbed mental case who should probably be on medication. What he posts should be taken with a grain of salt and the reader should strongly consider the source and his mental illness towards President Trump when they read his political posts. This is a baseball forum and he has not added one productive baseball post in many years. This is because he thinks about President Trump day and night.

I believe my numbers are accurate. The old demented sock puppet is a joke. He cannot form a rational thought on his own. He loses his train of thought every time he speaks. He wears soiled depends. He cannot walk in a straight line on a level surface without tumbling to the ground. He has to be led around like a dog because he does not have the cognitive ability to navigate. He forgets where he is and what he is doing all the time. He forgets that he is supposed to be the “President” and even refers to himself as a “Senator.” Other countries laugh at us daily because of the old demented sock puppet. He is a weak and lifeless man who makes us extremely weak as a nation. Democrats clearly see this but they just aren’t honest enough to admit it. California and Colorado are probably the only states that the old demented sock puppet could ever win in an election. People absolutely are not excited to vote for the old demented sock puppet.

Eva Brawny has suddenly started tweeting about the Jan 6 Pipe-Bomber, trying to downplay the threat of that element of the shenanigans around the vote certification.

Fun Fact: targets of grand jury investigations have the right to offer testimony if they so choose, and so are informed of the proceedings before they are made public.

The DOJ’s report on the Uvalde school shooting is out, and it doesn’t hold back. Kids died who didn’t need to because the responding law enforcement preferred to tell themselves that all the kids were already dead, rather than enter the room and find out.

So with that settled, the question is: what is going to be done about it?


It’s 60,000 BC. You’re immortal. The world is still frozen in an ice age when you decide to save $10,000 every day, never spending a cent.

62,024 years later, it’s 2024. You still don’t have as much money as Elon Musk.

I’ve stayed away from this story, but did the officers delay cause they thought all the kids were dead or because they didn’t want to take on someone with a military weapon?

They assumed the kids were all be dead, despite having no evidence one way or the other. I think the fact that an AR was on the other side of the door made them comfortable in that assumption.

Florida is never going to stop being Florida.

It turns out the old demented sock puppet was right on gun control on July 9, 1985. He said “I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, untraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control.”

It’s a good thing Republicans are always telling us how morally superior they are or we might start to think otherwise.


Yet Democrats say the same thing about themselves. Hypocrite much?

Speaking of foreshadowing, Trump has gone berserk (more than normal) in the last few hours on his social media platform. He’s been railing against anyone and everyone in the legal system who is working to hold him accountable.

So…immunity appeal or NY fraud case decision? Has to be one or the other.

Maybe it was just because the S&P 500 index reached an all-time high today. Also, polls of consumer confidence are showing that consumers are, in fact, confident.

In a related aside, this reminds me of a recent interview I saw with a NH Trumper. He was going on about how his 401K was shit under Biden and that was his big reason for supporting Trump. He was adamant about it.

I was curious and did a quick check of the S&P 500. Something like 25-30% higher now relative to the end of 2020. Can’t reason with these people. Some of the stupidest investors in America.

Don’t get me started with Jamie Dimon and his short-sighted dumbass.


If you could reason with Trump supporters, there wouldn’t be any Trump supporters.


I look for Biden supporting mouth breathers to drown next time it rains.