The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Seriously, lock that fucker up


Yes, lock him up because Democrats don’t like him and he is a threat to win the presidency.

Or…hear me out:

We should lock up all White Collar Criminals


Trump: “But we’re also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to de-bank you. From your— you know, your political beliefs, what they do. They want to de-bank you, and we’re going to de-bank— think of this. They want to take away your rights. They want to take away your country. The things they’re doing, all-electric cars. Give me a break”

LOL. “Losing your train of thought” requires your thoughts were coherent at some point to begin with. When they’re just a giant pile of unrelated mangled up stream of consciousness, you don’t really “lose” anything.

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Alina Habba’s cross-examination - if it wasn’t akin to re-victimizing a victim - is a comedy script.

Yesterday, she started reading from a piece of paper and the judge asked her what she was doing. She said she was entering evidence. The judge told her that’s not how this works and told her to enter it properly or move on. Not knowing how to do (a), she did (b).

Given that this is a penalty phase only trial, the limits on what can be addressed in testimony is limited. Habba has been trying to stray from that to appease her client, and the judge is having none of it.

Already this morning…

Habba: You are not suing about the White House statement, or The Cut –

Judge Kaplan: This is not clear?

Habba: I’m trying to clear it up.

Judge Kaplan: Let’s clear it up - Ms. Carroll, in The Cut it said President Trump denied, you’re not suing on that?

Carroll: I am not.

Judge Kaplan: You are suing about what Mr. Trump said, the second time on June 22, right?

Carroll: Yes.

Judge Kaplan: Now it’s clear as a bell. Go on, Ms Habba.

Meanwhile, Jesus of the House Mike Johnson faceplants while trying to hang on to wedge issue he and his colleagues created to be a wedge issue.

Side note: Kaitlyn Collins has been doing better with her interviewing after the disaster that was her Trump interview.

That would include the requirement to have the ability to string together a subject and a properly conjugated verb. Can’t really say Bone Spur’s record inspires confidence in that regard.

Are you talking about Biden? I did think he loses his train of thought quite easily. But I can be persuaded to believe what you said about him there.

I agree, the demented sock puppet and his son need locked up.

You know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war – the War Production Board.

-The Demented Sock Puppet

Other interesting remarks and actions from your favorite sock puppet:

Habra was asked if she’d rather be pretty or smart. “Pretty,” she replied. “I can always pretend to be smart.”

Well Hubba - who has undergone extensive plastic surgery - is failing at both options.

Judge Kaplan: You are asking to re-open the direct.
Alina Habba: No, I will look it up–
JK: You do that.
AH: I would like to go one by one, there are only six.
JK: You will not go one by one.
AH: I preserved.
JK: You think you did.

Ouch! She is completely out of her depth and Judge Kaplan is in no mood to throw her a floatie.


Only the best people. Who will work for free.

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The sad thing is, there is nothing Kaplan or anyone else can do about it. Trump will continue to Trump. He cannot be held accountable for anything anymore.

But he is being held accountable. That’s exactly what is happening here.

When he’s punished for it, I’ll acknowledge that you are correct.

Yes, Trump should be punished for pissing off sensitive Democrats and for being the clear cut favorite to win the 2024 Election.

He was found liable for sexual assault and defamation, and fined for it. That’s punishment; not enough, but it was a start. He has now been found liable for continuing the defamation, notably using the bully pulpit of the presidency to do so, and these proceedings are to decide the punishment, which will likely be substantial, plus a punitive element to get him to stop.

He has been found liable for business fraud in New York. The judge in that case is currently pondering how devastating to his business the punishment meted out to Trump will be. The state has asked for $370 million…

He paid a $25 million settlement for fraud over Trump University.

His charity was wound up, he was ordered to pay a $2 million settlement and ordered never to operate a charity again over misuse of funds.

His business was found liable for racist practices back in the 1970s.

Republicans are souring on Trump.

Ummmmm… It’s mostly because NH allows independents (of which there are many in NH) to vote blue or red in primaries. She’s not really tapping into the red base.

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