The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Here’s the thing – throwing them an anvil is exactly what you should avoid. Just stand back and let them sink without any fanfare.

So in this context, everyone is convinced that “the other guy’s guy” is careening hopelessly toward an inevitable defeat of massive proportions. If you believe that to be true, why would you go out of your way to draw the other guy’s attention to the fact that his guy is going to lose? What if the other guy listens to you and changes? Just smirk quietly and save your hate for the sTem or the stRangers.


Always good advice.

With Liberals, I always try to keep in mind that they just aren’t as advanced as everyone else as far as cognitive ability. It’s not worth getting mad at someone who simply doesn’t have the ability to think. In many cases, it really isn’t their fault.



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Fun Fact: Jack Smith slid into Trump’s DMs today.

Even funner fact: Jack Smith’s case will be squashed once President Trump is back in office.

While MSNBC’s graphics team needs to learn scale, the numbers here are very informative. Biden has 3x the cash on hand that Trump has.


Biden is stockpiling cash, while Trump is burning through it on the primary and also on his legal expenses. When Biden unleashes his campaign media blitz, Trump is not going to be in a position to respond.

Someone went ahead and fixed the graphic to the correct scale.

This paints a very different picture.

Boebert did not receive a PPP loan.

Soros money goes a long way. Trump is self funded and will have plenty of cash to embarrass the old demented sock puppet.



Yesterday, Democrats flipped a Florida House seat from red to blue. In frikkin’ Orlando, FFS!

Polls and primaries be damned. At every opportunity since Trump won in 2016, Democrats have over-performed against expectations in election after election. Which are the things that really count.

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Thanks for the correction.

She did pay restaurant bills with campaign money, though.

Here is something that should warm your President Trump hating hearts.

You have continuously made up false crap day by day for years. Try telling the truth one of these days. You will feel a lot better about things.

How do you know it didn’t come from the “handy fund”? She doesn’t give those out for free.

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I agree with this take from @DavidBahnsen
On twitterX

“This is your periodic reminder that only person on earth who could lose to Joe Biden is Donald Trump and the only person on earth who could lose to Donald Trump is Joe Biden.”

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This used to be about Clinton and Trump. Given that Clinton is still alive and lost to Trump, it doesn’t make sense to try to update it.

Captain Pantload can’t keep his shit in check in court.

Kaplan said: “Mr Trump has the right to be present here. That right can be forfeited, and it can be forfeited if he is disruptive, which is what has been reported to me, and if he disregards court orders.

“Mr Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial … I understand you are probably very eager for me to do that.”

“I would love it, I would love it,” Trump said and gestured.

“I know you would, you just can’t control yourself in this circumstance, apparently.”

“You can’t either.”

What a fucking baby.

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This is what Trump’s “Top People” have to say for him: