The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Correct. The facts were established in the original trial and the second round of defamation was the same as the first round of defamation.

The expectation is of a much higher number this time - possibly in the Rudisphere of damage awards - because the last award kept him quiet for about 6 hours.

49% of Republicans in fucking Iowa who braved the winter storm voted for not Trump, probably while being shouted at by Trump cultists. Those are (very) cold hard numbers.

Yes, most will vote for Trump in the general. The point here is that not all will, and Trump needs all of them, plus add back people he lost by the end of 2020, otherwise he’s going to lose by more than he did in 2020.

No one is excited about the old demented sock puppet except for a few here that have a clear disability and lack the ability to critically think. About 40% of the United States will vote for the old bumbling fool. This will undoubtedly be a landslide victory for President Trump and a monumental shit burger for Democrats that will be a sight to behold. I cannot wait for the gnashing of teeth of teeth that will ensue.

Yeah, I was not talking about the general election. The Iowa caucuses are about inter-party politics. As was my comment.


There’s a percentage of the voting public that will vote for Trump no matter what. This percentage is not close to 50%. It’s higher than it should be, since it’s greater than 0, but it’s nowhere near enough for him to win. The majority of voters are low information types, not necessarily unintelligent by any means, they just don’t pay attention to this shit like some of us do. They’ll tend to vote for Trump if they think he can help them economically and he’s not in prison. Once we get closer to the election and the media machine ramps up, I’d like to think that these people will be bombarded with reminders of what a shitshow the first go-round was and all the unbelievably fucked up things the Republicans are telling everyone they fully intend to do under another Trump administration and enough of these people will decide Hey I don’t think I want my daughter to die on a gurney somewhere and they’ll see the light.


Exactly this. No one has yet campaigned against Trump - that’s about to change.

Republicans don’t need to vote for Biden, they just need not to vote for Trump.

In a caucus/primary, yes. But in the election, they’re all voting for Trump. They will not, under any circumstances, vote for Biden or any other Democrat. You should know this.

They don’t need to vote for Biden. They just need not to vote for Trump.

You talk like he is the prohibitive incumbent who just needs to replicate his last election. He’s not. He has to turn out the entirety of his voting bloc from 2020, and then add a couple of points of independents. That is not happening and shows no signs that it will start happening.

A conviction in any of the buhjillion cases against him - which is highly likely to happen before November - polls extremely negatively, even with Republicans. Also, his 2020 campaign ran out of money by October, and that was when he was just regular grifting off the cash pile, not setting it on fire just to watch it burn like he is this year.

When the judgement comes in against him in NY, which will be in the hundreds of millions, he will have to put up his assets as collateral to get a bond in order to appeal. His business will be effectively shut down. His stump speech is just going to be endless hours of him moaning and whining about his legal woes, which is not going to win him any new voters.

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Reading through this thread, I keep thinking of some good advice I got once. When you determine that your opponent is in the process of committing suicide, you should resist the temptation to help.


As James Carville put it: when your opponent is drowning, throw them an anvil.


Hey you know who I think is an outstanding candidate RFK Jr I think all free thinking patriots should cast their vote for that outstanding statesman. Maybe he can convince Ramasmarmy to be his VP, dream ticket right there.


I’m not saying he’s a lock to win, I’m saying he’s going to be the Republican nominee and Republicans are going to vote for him. That there isn’t a sizable portion of the electorate who’s waffling.

No, but it’s not enough for him to win. Like it wasn’t enough in 2020.

The secret sauce in 2016 - huge fucking garnish from James Coney aside - was the “how bad could it be?” independent vote. That wasn’t there for him in 2020 because we were in the FO part of FAFO, and it won’t ever be there for him again.

He can get a better-than-expected turnout by Republicans and that will never be enough to win him the White House. Just the same as it would be if Biden turned out only the Democratic base.

That’s expecting a lot. Although it is a hallmark of conservatism that everything that happens to other people is deserved and shouldn’t be funded/helped and is wrong, at least until it happens to them.

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Unless there is another Wuhan lab leak, this should be an easy win for Trump just like 2016 was.

As Craig T. Nelson so eloquently explained:

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I have zero faith that conservatives will do anything other than what they perceive as most injurious to those they perceive as the most richly deserving of injury. I’m talking about relatively apolitical people, a group that makes up an enormous portion of the electorate.

And not even then, as studies I’ve mentioned in the past have demonstrated. These are some seriously debased human beings.


I enjoy the dichotomy between these idiots running around acting like student loan forgiveness will turn the US and A into some kind of Venezuela when nearly all of these motherfuckers got PPP loans, usually sizable loans, at that, which were promptly forgiven. I also especially enjoy the liberal media’s general lack of interest in pointing this out at opportune times.


A not insignificant number of GOP members of Congress voted against student loan forgiveness despite themselves having PPP loans forgiven. Yes, this included MTG and Boebert.

The cruelty is the point.

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The Catholic Church–the Catholic Freaking Church–received $3.5 billion in PPP loans. The largest landowner in the world.

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