The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Greg Abbott: I did that.

People familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that the majority of affected workers have indicated that they’re unwilling to relocate to Austin. Apple told employees that they could apply for other jobs, but some don’t think they’ll be eligible for many roles because they don’t have engineering backgrounds, the people said.

I watched the Dolphins - Chiefs game at a friend’s house as he was having a party that night. A lot of the other guests were from his golf club, and I was having my own little drinking game that I would take a swig every time one of them was triggered by the cameras cutting to Taylor Swift.

Fast-forward to later, when I was poured into an Uber…

Flew with a former Marine last week who prided himself on being a former Top Gun instructor, a tough guy who wasn’t of those ‘snowflakes’, yet lost his shit over Taylor Swift.

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Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 9.43.07 AM


How in the wide world of fuck is this even remotely legal?

Two migrant children and mother die at US-Mexico border after Texas law enforcement blocks Border Patrol access for emergency aid - JURIST - News.

Two migrant children and their mother drowned on Friday while trying to cross from Mexico into the United States, after Texas law enforcement authorities prevented officials with the US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) from reaching the victims to render life-saving aid, said US Representative Henry Cuellar. Cuellar represents a district on the border.

In a court filing with the US Supreme Court, mere hours before the death of the migrant children and their mother, the US Department of Justice told the Supreme Court that the Texas National Guard recently deployed armed guards and vehicles to block access to the Rio Grande and informed Border Patrol agents that they would not be allowed to enter Shelby Park “in any operational capacity.”

Buy-bye Joey Tapioca.

I guess the check didn’t clear.

My guess is he didn’t want the sanctions when he couldn’t control his client.

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Trump giving a speech today in Iowa, ran over Tacopina with a snow plough, backed it up and ran over him again.

He said he only lost the first EJ Carroll trial because he didn’t testify and the reason he didn’t testify was because Tacopina told him not to.

Well I’m sure he was right that that was it. That and the facts of the case.

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I fully expect Democrats to attempt to assassinate Trump soon. All of their fake trials are crumbling along with their election hopes. Assassination is their last resort.

Iowa is Trump country. 49% of Iowa republicans voted for not Trump.

Also, Nikki Haley found out that white conservatives will vote for an ambulatory plank of wood in high heels over her because he’s a white man.

Actually about 60% of the whole country is pro Trump but you go ahead and believe what you want. He also cannot be beat by the old demented sock puppet in a fair election. I’m sure the Democrats have a few tricks up their sleeve like they did in 2020, though.

Last night’s Iowa caucuses had a remarkably low turnout, and Trump won by the smallest margin of any Republican in history.

Yesterday, Joe Biden announced a record fundraising haul.

Now watch the media upsell one and downplay the other as they seek to maintain the illusion of a horse race as that’s good for ratings.

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Well it was like -50 degrees. But we don’t want to talk about that. Quit kidding yourself. Absolutely no one is excited about the old bumbling demented sock puppet. Don’t try to act like people are. In fact, people are sick of him. That’s why Trump will win in a landslide as long as it is a fair election.

The first sentence answers itself. Optically, the margin looks small but any reasonable assessment shows that the exact thing that the Trump team wanted, happened. No clear second challenger emerged, keeping the non-Trump challengers divided and those further down and more ideologically aligned with him are dropping out and endorsing him.

Re: media coverage, reputable 3rd-party media outlets have a good handle on the implications:

Trump ran as an incumbent against a field that refused to run against him, but rather ran against each other. Half of the Republican voters rejected him. His opponents only praised him, yet he only got half the vote.

It’s going to be a Biden landslide.


Oh, I’m not implying that anyone but Trump is going to be the nominee. What this speaks to is the overall weakness of the candidate. He has to be increasing his appeal, and every indicator shows that his appeal is diminishing even among Republicans, which is death to him with independents.

Any article that blares “landslide” in the headline loses all credibility. Around 100,000 people participated and Trump got support from ~51,000 in a state of 2.1 million registered voters. It’s the process they’ve chosen, but it’s hardly a mandate.

ETA: You would think that the in-person, “red rover, come over” style of a caucus would favor Team Trump’s tactics. No secret ballots here; no suitcase dumps of mail-in ballots. Just hardcore caucus goers, 49% of whom rejected Trump, kinda to his face.

Based on polling of caucus goers, Trump loses 31% of the Republican vote if he gets convicted of crimes. Now, let’s say that - in reality - only half those voters bail on Trump and everyone else dutifully turns out for him. That’s still a 15% drop in turnout, which is absolutely humongous.

He lost last time, so he has to broaden his appeal. If he loses even 1 or 2 points from where he was in 2020, it’s a Reagan-Mondalesque bluenami.

So the proceeding will just be about how much punitive damages will be awarded…
E. J. Carroll, part two

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I’m not sure why you believe there are those on the fence about Trump. You are either a full-fledged cult member (aka Republican) or you have brain cells. The former are going to vote for Trump no matter what. There is no circumstance in which they won’t.