The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I would agree with most of this. But the fact that the old bumbling fool cannot walk in a straight line without being guided, can barely read his teleprompter, and his other dementia related habits aren’t helping him either. Also the fact that he wears diapers can’t help either.

I’m sure there are people busy changing Wikipedia right now. With a Sharpie.

Rex Tillerson was his first Secretary of State, FFS.

Seeing as court filings are now FACT, regardless of their adjudication, I’ll just leave this here.


Speaking of Epstein…

Maybe Trump has some free time to argue before the judge. The law is like medicine and quantum physics…no one in the history of mankind knows more about it than Trump.


Holy Shit the House GOP is have a realllllly bad week.



I’ll say this for the QOP…they really dig the girl on girl action. I’m assuming it’s just a matter of time before we get the full spread of Boebert and MTG having a freak scene.

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I can honestly say that until, now, 67 years in, I can’t ever recall reading something that made me physically retch.

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What about,
“The 45th President of the United States of America, donald j trump.”?


Roger Stone is on tape earnestly discussing the assassination of certain Democrats; specifically Swallwell and/or Nadler.

I was in a bar in Belize when that was announced. I remember being baffled by the Americans in the bar who were celebrating, but I honestly didn’t believe that anyone could be that bad. I was innocent.


I was expecting a clown show, and perhaps some minor grifting; like diverting military transports so that the service members had to stay at one of his roach hotels (which he did - and it cost them money because their meal allowances weren’t enough to cover the cost of their food). I was not expecting the open treason - which was apparent from the first week - and the total disregard for any human life other than his own.

I expected him to face-plant into the first major crisis, but how could anyone have expected that to be a pandemic and that his dumbfuckery - all in service of getting himself re-elected - would result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who would not otherwise have died.

I mean, he’s a terrible person, but “bodies piling up in the streets” bad…?


And just like with George W Bush, lots of people saw four years of horrifying mistakes and misdeeds and blatant criminal activity and they think You know what I’d like four more years of that. Some people seem to be working with a different set of priorities.


W. was torturing and killing brown people. I think the fan base is the same.

It was apparent before the election with the Russian server communicating with the Trump server, and all of the obvious Russian trolling for him.


Except to the mental midgets who bought his BS then and still support him.


The House GOP has taken endless string of dick punches this week. So, of course, they have to do something craven and despicable.

Yes, he also beat Hillary because of the Russians. Got to love the Democrat hypocrisy.

Trump - who has been attending (and speaking at) trials he doesn’t need to, making live TV appearances, holding rally events and basically carrying on as absofuckinglutely normal - wants the second EJ Carroll trial next week - that he is not required to attend - postponed so that he can properly mourn the death of his mother-in-law.

The court told him to get fucked.