The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Whenever people assume that a “prosecutor is corrupt,” based on an assertion by a defendant, the claims they make on a message board are suspect.

It’s also embarrassing we have a senile string-puppet as President whose every “act” is by an unelected controller.

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I’m amazed, and exasperated by how many decent and intelligent people fail to fully comprehend this.


That sounds like Barry Soetoro.

Oh, I mistook you for someone to engage with, but I see what you are now: D Ward level in honesty and intellect.

What are your thoughts about the BLM and George Floyd riots where many people were killed and many family businesses were burned to the ground?

Let me know when Joe Biden tries to overthrow a presidential election and, in doing so, commits acts of treason against the United States of America. If that happens, I’ll be first in line to tar and feather him.

Is Joe Biden perfect? Newsflash: No president is. But, there is a difference between not being my preferred cup of tea and trying to overturn the results of a presidential election you lost. The former isn’t an act of treason, the latter is. The latter should get that individual barred from ever holding political office in America again and also include time spent in federal prison.

Donald Trump broke the law. It takes incredible levels of cognitive dissonance to think otherwise.


That’s a high praise. Not too difficult to have much more intellect and honesty than a Democrat has.

No worries.

He did.

Expound please.


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The case against Trump is valid, regardless of whether Willis is boning the prosecuting lawyer. Trump was indicted by a Grand Jury, not by Willis (or Biden). If Willis acted improperly in the hiring of Wade, that’s a whole nother matter for the State of Georgia to investigate, but it has absolutely zero fucking bearing on Trump’s prosecution. Don’t forget that they have already secured multiple guilty pleas, so there is most definitely criming here to be prosecuted.

It’s also worth noting that Wade is charging $250/hour, which is a very reasonable rate for an attorney in such a role. One of Trump’s expert witnesses in his NY case - who shit the bed on the stand, btw - was paid nearly $1 million for a few hours work. It’s not Wade’s nor Willis’ fault that Trump et al committed so many crimes, and have worked so hard to jam up the gears of justice, that it is costing countless millions to hold him accountable.

Now, you can argue that the State of Georgia might’ve come up with a better plan than bringing in an attorney on an hourly rate but, again, that’s an entirely separate question to whether Trump has a case to answer. If Willis and Wade are carrying on, and Wade took her on a trip spending some of the money he earned under his contract with the State, that’s not embezzlement.

The difference here - once again - is that Trumpists want to forgive Trump of every crime while punishing everyone else to the utmost for any conceivable infraction. The rest of us want justice to be meted out appropriately regardless of who is involved, be it Trump World, DA Willis, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden or any one else.



Pretty much interchangeable at this point.


Still. If we’re going to be spreading unsubstantiated rumors about people having inappropriate relations with their hired attorneys…

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People do not support these dangerous and stupid abortion laws.

Trumbull County Prosecutor’s Office just announced that a grand jury has decided not to charge Brittany Watts with felony charges of abuse of a corpse after having a miscarriage.


The poor woman goes through a traumatic experience and instead of helping her recover, she was forced to face a grand jury investigation.

Trump did that.


I would say that the fuckwits who refused to vote for Clinton for some dumbfuck reason did it.


There is so much bullshit in this post. You cannot be as stupid as you let on daily. Deep down you know why the Democrats are trying to prosecute President Trump. It has been one attack after another since 2015. The only thing they have not done is shoot the man. The Democrat Party is getting weaker and weaker. It is so weak that they have to run a crooked Geriatric old bumbling demented sock puppet fool for President. People absolutely are not excited about Biden and will not come out in droves to vote for him and they know it. Taking out President Trump is their only option to win. Hence the made up lawsuits and nastiness of the Democrat Party.