The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I have never, ever, seen you make a fool of anyone, ever. You’re a delusional troll I guess.

I just saw Aaron Rogers referred to as “Throw Rogan”, and I cannot think of anything more perfect.

Of course he has. He makes a fool of himself all the time.


I will let it slide as I know you are a Democrat. Democrats are known to have their heads shoved up their collective asses.

I’m not the one who voted for the demented sock puppet.

Inflation is down, gas prices are down, real wages are up, unemployment remains at historic lows, job creation remains at historic highs, the GDP is exceeding expectations, economic anxiety is dropping and the much-predicted recession isn’t going to happen.

So, like fucking clockwork, House Republicans go to the border.

Trump has appealed to SCOTUS the Colorado decision to leave him off the 2024 primary ballot.

Consumer confidence and polling are notoriously poor gauges of economic health. The actuals tell the real story. The economy is booming and the places that have been lukewarm (as opposed to hot) like home construction and manufacturing are sharply heating up as interest rates sharply drop. Here’s the actuals for this quarter. This data would be a good foundation for any honest discourse everyone might like to have on the topic instead of letting the news or other people do the thinking.


That’s adorable.

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Yes, people don’t know if their finances are doing well. How foolish of me to think that they could.

Here is some honest discourse for you. Inflation has eased some but the demented sock puppet has more work to do to get down to levels under President Trump. You may like paying higher prices for groceries and other goods, however, I do not enjoy paying inflated prices.

The Fed has not just stopped increasing interest rates, it has stopped threatening to increase interest rates. The threat of a recession is gone, and if the Fed starts lowering rates this year, it’ll be something the people feel directly in their bank accounts.

As above, the GOP is already pivoting back to The Crisis on the Border™️ because they know that without an external factor intervening, like an amped-up variant of COVID, they aren’t going to be able to convince enough people that the economy is bad despite what their lying wallets tell them.

To wit: Trump debuted his own version of Reagan’s “are you better off now than you were four years ago?” line. Except Trump asked his rally crowd if they are better off now than they were five years ago. Hmmmm. What happened four years ago…? It’s so stupid but, of course, his cult followers loved it. Well, the ones who were alive to see it did.

So when people don’t have any money because of high inflation, that’s all just a big lie? You might slowly step away from the crack pipe.

A well-regulated militia shot up a high school in Iowa this morning. It’s the 4th of January.

“Multiple victims” reported.

Tell me again about the car loan that Hunter repaid to his dad.

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Plenty of evidence has been released about the demented sock puppet using his son to make millions in foreign countries. The typical Democrat strategy is to blame President Trump for any Democrat wrongdoings. You posting of fake news is dangerous.

And by well regulated militia you mean one mentally deranged individual. Of course it is the gun’s fault. And of course we should ban guns. Because if we ban guns, clearly he wouldn’t have stole or got his hands on a gun.

Democrat logic: Ban guns and magically no one will be able to have one.

Well, Jared walked off with $2 billion in Saudi money, Ivanka got all of those sweet Chinese patents fast tracked, so to be honest I’m surprised Trump only grifted $7.8 million. Of course, we taxpayers kept his hotels and golf courses in business to the tune of millions.

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We will never know the extent of the grift of the Trump administration.


I’m sure it’s correctly disclosed in the company audits.

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