The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Lauren Boebert will not run for re-election in Colorado’s 3rd C.D. Instead, she will run for the neighboring 4th CD, a more strongly rural and Republican district with the incumbent retiring and one where Betelgeuse handies are a welcome break from the routine of farm work.

Dwad, here you go!! The Russians are with you!

Do you care to comment? No way this is propaganda, right? And if for some crazy reason it is, I’m sure you’ll be quick to admit it because you’re super-duper independent.

In a normal world, this would end a career in politics.

This is actually smart politics by the GOP. Boebert was going to lose the 3rd but will pull off (get it?) a win in the 4th. This then allows the GOP to run someone in the 3rd who doesn’t have the baggage and might be able to keep the seat.

If you Google “Colorado 4th district”, this is the first image that comes up:

It’s basically a whole bunch of nothing:

Mom’s for Liberty just get more fun every day:

A former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor candidate and outspoken voice in the conservative “parental rights” school movement has been charged with punching a teenager while hosting an underage drinking party at her Bucks County home in September.

Sorry, WVDUMBASS, but I don’t do twitter. I do appreciate your concern, though.

Nikki Haley thinks that “what caused the Civil War” is a gotcha question.

Biden and the Democrats keep sending Democrat plants to do things like this to get the media to react. We know when they’re there. We know what they’re doing.

And yet she still face-planted into the most softball question since “What newspapers do you read?”


For those keeping score at home, in the GOP primary:

  • Trump had to deny quoting Hitler and reading his book
  • Haley thinks that saying the Civil War was about slavery is politically damaging
  • De Santis said that slaves learned “valuable life skills”

Those who ban the teaching of history are doomed to repeat it.



What…and I cannot stress this enough…the fuck?

What triggered the stinky old twat this time?

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It’s just hard to fathom someone being such a pathetic fucking loser that he can’t ever let any single thing said about him go uncommented on.

And even more impressive how far up his own ass he is. Imagine thinking your 10 second cameo in a kids Christmas movie had anything to do with the movie’s success.


It’s a good thing he agreed to do that cameo, otherwise no one would have ever heard of Home Alone, let alone Harry Potter. Some people say Trump should have won an Oscar for his performance. Possibly more than one.


MANY people are saying it.


A well known general went up to him with tears in his eyes said “you were so brave in Home Alone sir”’ and All Real Americans clapped.


Sounds like she was throwing parental rights AND lefts


Trump says he came up with “poisoning the blood” on his own, without the help of Hitler’s speeches. He just independently arrived at the same conclusion and terminology, you see.

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So he’s a Nazi all by himself. His Dad would be proud…very proud.

As Maine goes, so goes the nation.


I had to get to your second paragraph before I understood you were talking about Trump.

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