The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

This should warm your hearts.

It’s about right that a Democrat has poor reading comprehension.

Totally stollen:

Rudy Giuliani: a noun, a verb and Chapter 11

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Joe Biden: a noun, a verb. See also: idiot, sock puppet, old. Also goes by cornpop and wears diapers.

It’s the GOP playbook since Reagan (who is now a libtard in their warped minds) . The Government sucks. Vote for us, we hate the government and it sucks but vote for us because reasons.

Try calling Ted Cruz (or insert GOP Senator or REP here) for standard constituent services. He won’t answer, voicemail inbox full. He is busy grifting. People just vote for candidates who they THINK are gonna penalize people they don’t like. 0 regard for how to make the government function better.

Just a bunch of screaming about nonsense. It’s sad. Not sure how, if ever the US pulls out of this tailspin. We have 30% of the population who somehow have ~50% of the power, thanks to the genius founding fathers, that have no intention of making the government work.


This is just sad.

We, a bunch of us, could have actual conversations, you just don’t allow it.

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I’m sorry, but what the fuck is this?

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Prime example. The GOP hates immigrants (unlike the Bible the pretend to love)

So what policy/law/action have they put in place that has a meaningful impact on this problem. They have held the executive branch and both the house and senate. Why not fixed? Why did they do nothing if this is such a huge problem?

Most people know. The rest vote for trump.

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What the GOP is


I love how these cheeseicks want to sweep Jan. 6 under the rug and pretend that the insurrection never happened, all the while they pay blind fealty to a criminal and traitor to the Constitution of the United States, a compromised russkie asset wearing bronzer who wants to bang his daughter.
And, to your point earlier, they have zero, none, nada willingness to govern or make government work better for the nation and its citizens.
The modern QOP is laughable- elect clowns, expect circuses.


I like cheesesteaks

provolone, white american cheese

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Apologies that my summarization of Biden hurt your feelings. The real sad part is my summarization of Biden is true.

I love how liberals want to sweep the fact that these thugs were led through the Capitol by the police under the rug. They don’t want to acknowledge the fact that doors were opened for them and they were showed exactly where to go.

The long list of Giuliani’s creditors is quite impressive.

He owes over $700,000 in taxes.

Cheesesteaks (said in Homer J. Simpson’s voice).

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Hardest thing to do is get the right bread

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“Deadly insurrection” is a term that Liberals cling to. Every time you hear about January 6th from a Liberal or the media, it is described as “deadly.” The fact is, there was 1 death. A police officer shot and killed an unarmed woman. If we want to talk about deadly, let’s talk about the BLM riots that were cheered on by many notable top Democrats. There were 18 deaths and over $1 Billion dollars in damage done to Federal and State buildings. I would say that 18 deaths was deadly. Democrats are the true leaders of the “deadly insurrection.”

It’s pretty difficult to converse with “VIEW 1 HIDDEN REPLY.”


You know you read what I post.