The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

How did Biden cheat?

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Which time?

I am awake. Iā€™m not trying to justify Trump. Or vilify Biden for that matter. It makes me want to puke thinking about either one of them. Thatā€™s why I mostly avoid this thread.


And yet you wonā€™t answer the question.

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Is this a test?

Everyone gets upset and combative when their beloved Biden isnā€™t praised.

How did Biden cheat?

Trump has asked SCOTUS not to look at the question of his claim of presidential immunity. He wants this question to take the slow train through the appellant court. Shocker.

Anyone that is surprised by Trump is not paying attention. He is exceedingly predictable and easy to understand.


This is just how he is, man.

[Susan Collins Very Concerned Face]


Hey, with your help, Iā€™ve come around a little bit.

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He got more votes.



Proud to know it.

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I thought trump was a sleazy pedophile frat boy clown long before he expressed a desire to run for office. Heā€™d pop up in a tv show or a movie in a cameo, and then he did the birther thing.

When he ran in 2016 i thought it was a marketing stunt. Maybe it was. It sure seemed like amateur hour during his entire presidency. But even in my lowest prior opinion of him i did not imagine that he could attempt to hold onto power the way he very likely did after he lost the election. Im still horrified.

I am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump lost the popular and the electoral vote in 2020. I have no desire to convince you otherwise. We can agree to disagree on this one. Also convinced that he won in 2016ā€“the popular vote no, but yes on the vote in the electoral college.

With burning sorrow i think the sleazy traitorous sociopathetic monster might win the next election in 2024. I think that this could result in an outcome as bad for the USA as Hitler was for Germany. Specifically, because i am convinced that Trump does want to be president this time, and he wants revenge. Like Sulla marching into Rome.

But you sir, are acting like an asshole. Specifically in the way you incessently troll limey while adding absolutely nothing to the conversation. Repent.


Limey spreads lie after lie. He cannot post one truthful political take. I donā€™t know if he is just that dumb or if he truly believes the garbage he posts day to day. He dreams about President Trump day and night. It is so one sided towards the Democrat Party. Limey used to post a few interesting baseball takes back in the late 90ā€™s and early 2000ā€™s and I actually enjoyed his posts back then. However, when he posts political garbage that couldnā€™t be further from the truth, itā€™s dangerous to people reading. I believe this thread needs posts that arenā€™t so one sided favoring Democrats. I will make him a deal, however. If he stops posting liberal garbage, Iā€™ll never post another political post again. You can also kiss my ass.

I decline the inviation to kiss your ass. There shall be no anilingus between us.
Your claim to know what limey dreams about suggests you might be insane.
You have demonstrated a thick stupidity. And an admirable amount of tenacityā€“which unfortunately combined with your stupidity is less admirable and merely booring.
At least that is who you are in this thread.


I donā€™t think itā€™s insane at all. All he ever posts about is President Trump. His actions suggest that he thinks about him day and night. As far as stupidity, I did not vote for the old demented sock puppet. Voting for the old demented sock puppet is the epitome of stupidity. My invitation is still on the table.