The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Looking forward to Trump beating the old demented sock puppet once again in ‘24. There will be hell to pay for Biden and many other crooked Democrats.

Republicans run for office on the premise that government doesn’t work and, if they win, they set about making it real.

The 118th Congress is on track to be one of the most unproductive in modern history, with just a couple dozen laws on the books at the close of 2023, according to data from data analytics firm Quorum.

The low point of Congressional incompetence is the Depression-era effort of 21 bills. This lot has had 20 bills signed into law with another 4 awaiting signature. That’s all. They haven’t even passed a funding bill, managing only to kick the can down the road a couple of times now.

I’m old enough to remember when this was a states rights issue.

And by “old enough”, I mean more than 6 months old.


Not The Onion.

Happy Holidays!


Feliz Navidad

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Lots of Democrat pot heads in Colorado. No surprises or worries there.

Good for them. This just seems like such a no-duh to me. I understand that there is leeway in the letter of the amendment to make whatever arguments are convenient to you, but for crying out loud, if you have the tool in hand that will keep the republic alive and you don’t fucking use it, what are we doing here?


Whine and cry because President Trump is going to win the presidency in 2024? That Democrat led, “medical marijuana” smoking state is just having a hissy fit to make it where no one can vote for President Trump since they know he can not be beat fairly in an election.

This has the potential to infect so much of Trump’s campaign and life. Off the top of my non-lawyer’s head:

Appealing to SCOTUS is fraught with peril. It should be nigh-on impossible for them to overturn the ruling, given that two state courts have held that, “yes”, Trump engaged in insurrection, and the appeals court has said that “yes”, the President is an officer of the U.S. That doesn’t mean that this crowd of Justices wouldn’t overturn it, but…

If they don’t, that opens up Trump to getting thrown off the ballot in every state. You know Marc Elias would immediately file to have this done in every state - in fact he may well do that anyway. Or, he could shortcut the whole thing and go after the electoral college-vote rich targets like Texas and Florida. A SCOTUS ruling would bind their hands and there’s no way Trump could win without either Texas or Florida.

Maybe SCOTUS finds its hands tied on the fact-matter of the insurrection, but uses the district court judge’s argument that President is not an officer of the U.S. That would close off any avenue for Trump to move his GA - or any other state prosecution - to Federal court, because he wasn’t a federal officer. That would mean that he’ll still be fucked by state cases even if he wins the presidency.

Maybe SCOTUS declines to take up any appeal, which is quite a likely possibility IMHO, in order to avoid setting a nationwide precedent. That doesn’t stop this case being used as a precedent in other states, allowing Elias or his ilk to pick off certain swing states, disallowing Trump’s name being on the ballot. That would preclude any ability for Trump to win…so yay.

Maybe they take it up specifically in mind to support the ruling because there are enough self-serving fucks on the Supreme Court who will look at a fascist President as an existential threat. You know that, given the opportunity, McConnell would expand the court and pack it with prepubescent Nazis, thereby neutering the current justices.

Bottom line, this is ruling is a disaster for Trump and, by extension, the GOP.


Fun Fact: if you look a few posts above, the amount of work for Trump’s lawyers to complete by the end of January is ridiculous. The Colorado decision has been stayed until Jan 4, pending further appeals (i.e. SCOTUS), because the CO SOS has to certify the primary ballots by Jan 5.

So Team Trump has to get the appeal prepped, filed, heard and ruled upon before Jan 4, otherwise the stay automatically lifts and he is non-eligible for election in the CO primary. This means that any write-in votes for him would be ignored too, the same way they would be if they were for me.

I might have missed it, but what is the final decision date for the Colorado general election ballot? At any rate, I’m not hanging any hope on this. Given the polling on the election, I’m not hanging much hope on anything anymore.


Good point. Presumably that’s later, so Trump could be reinstated for the General Election by SCOTUS even if he doesn’t make the primary ballot.

If Trump isn’t on the ballot in some states, then the down-ballot Republicans are also fucked. Like Boebert in Colorado.


Trump has threatened to tell his voters to stay home. This is a shot across the bows of the GOP at large, and a call for them to “do something”.

Boebert may be ok, because she appears to be quite adept at cranking out voters.


The CO decision was 4-3. The three dissenters did not disagree with the finding of fact - that Trump engaged in insurrection. They dissented on procedural matters only.

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4 democrats. The only insurrectionists are the Democrats. They know they cannot beat President Trump in a fair an honest election.



Much, if not all, of QOP accusations are in reality, confessions.
They’re only good at one thing- projecting.


The CO suit was filed by 6 Republicans and the appeals court decision cited Neil Gorsuch from when he was a 10th circuit judge.

Republicans did this to themselves.

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