The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

So cheap I had to light my cigar with a $20 bill tonight.


The scheming around the overturn of Roe is disgusting. They were all over it before Ginsberg even hit the floor.

Also, there’s no fucking way it wasn’t Alito who leaked the draft.

2023 is finishing strong.

It’s not a cult.

So much finding out this week…

Last night, after a Washington Post story exposed infighting between the Never Back Down and the Desantis campaign, Jeff Roe, the original founder and chief strategist behind the PAC, announced that he was stepping down. This followed a mass exodus of senior staffers and strategists from the PAC and the Desantis campaign.

When you’ve lost the Daily Heil…

5 posts in a row of Democrat propaganda by Limey. His TDS is running strong today.

Fun Fact: it’s not Democrat propaganda when you quote Republican words

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Fun fact: Democrats are the only ones who believe Limey’s propaganda.





Back in 2000, Clarence Thomas was bitching to his wealthy “pals” that he wasn’t making enough money as a Justice of the Supreme Court and hinting at resigning. This freaked out the right, and then money mysteriously started pouring into Thomas’ bank account.

Trump is not only quoting Mein Kampf, he is publicly praising North Korea and Russia.

It’s like the Manchurian Candidate, except the guy is totally open about being a foreign agent.


Trump is famously intellectually incurious. Being able to quote Mein Kampf is not something he can do because he became aware of it tangentially through his voracious reading habits.

Why else would one employ Stephen Miller?


Biden would quote it if someone would put it on a teleprompter for him.

Meadows’ effort to move his GA case to Federal court…has been denied. He’s facing real jail time in a Georgia state prison; will Willis allow him a plea deal that avoids a custodial sentence? She has already indicated that certain high-level players are going to be SOL when it comes to deals.

Merry Christmas.

Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss have brought another defamation suit against Giuliani, for his continued defamation.

Speaking of defamation, Alex Jones has offered the Sandy Hook victims $55 million to settle the $1.5 billion judgement against him. This comes at a time when Elon has let Jones back onto Xitter and, in a move that surely puts Musk squarely in the crosshairs, has announced he will be doing a show hosted on the platform.

In the next suit against Jones for defamation - and there will be a next suit - Musk is going to be a co-defendant.

I am getting exhausted by all this winning…

Judge Engoron denies Trump’s 5th motion to have the NY civil suit thrown out. He does so while dissecting Trump’s “expert” witnesses with all the gusto of Zorro on cocaine.

It’s only three pages, and worth a read.