The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

…and cabin crew, pilots, baggage handlers, check-in agents, the list goes on and on.


And we as Texas taxpayers get to pay for all of that.

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Alina Habba is in a spot of bother.

To be clear: Habba was not working for Trump when she brokered this settlement. However, what she did here got the Trump Org off the hook for a potentially large settlement, and she was working for Trump within weeks of getting this deal signed.

If the allegations are true - that Habba railroaded to the poor girl into a settlement for a fraction of the compensation she deserved and subject to an eye-watering (and seemingly illegal) NDA - then Habba faces all kinds of civil penalties as well as potential disbarment.

What could also happen is that the settlement between the plaintiff and Trump Bedminster gets ripped up, and they get to do it again…properly this time.

And SCOTUS has accepted the petition already, telling Team Trump that it has until Dec 20 to respond.

Ketchup-laced fingers started hitting the keys almost instantly:

So, let me understand this: either SCOTUS rules that a President is a King and above the law or he is subject to the law when he acts outside his duties. Is there room in between?

Either way, seems prudent to get this decided now so we can have the trial and know what he did and whether he is a criminal, or know that the election is for an absolute ruler. If it’s the latter, reform of the court should also be a top issue, along with electing a King.

Do you have to guess which way they will decide?

I imagine that the current President being Biden will have some influence on their decision.

Same with the argument that Pence was allowed to throw out votes in 2020. Really? Cool. That means Harris can do that in 2024.

I think the truly smart thing here is getting it decided now, instead of after the trial and regular appeals process, which may well have bumped the decision to 2025, when you-know-who might be president.

Well, if they decide in Trump’s favor, Biden should kill Trump and cancel the election.

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It’d be hard to argue that wasn’t acting in his official capacity, that’s for sure.

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I have no doubt that Democrats are attempting this. Outside of having dead people vote, this is literally the only way they can win in 2024.

Yesterday, outside the courtroom in DC where the penalty phase of his civil suit by Freeman and Moss for defamation is ongoing, Giuliani defamed them again. The punitive amount just went up a bit more.

The truly crazy part is that he is still maintaining that he has proof and that we should “stay tuned.” I think the point at which releasing all this evidence of election fraud would be useful is long passed.

Merry Griftmas

[Insert meme of conservatives sweating over two buttons here]

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A simple question, to which House Republicans have no answer.

Fun Fact: the main predicate still seems to be the completely debunked Burisma nonsense.

Limey with the last 4 posts. Total Trump derangement syndrome. Limey dreams about President Trump day and night.

It’s easy. He stole the election from President Trump by getting more votes.


Misleading headline aside, Hunter Biden gives Comer et al the whole nine yards. Says he will testify under oath in open session but, if they insist on a closed door proceeding, they can get fucked.

Well worth a couple of minutes to watch the full statement.

“They took the light of a father’s love and turned it to darkness.”

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Gym Jordan wins this year’s Projector award.

The full video is quite something. He could be talking to a mirror.

The dude behind the Xeet that set off Trump regarding Judge Engoran’s law clerk is a piece of work shit.

Here comes the stochastic terrorism.