The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Oil companies don’t “charge”. Oil is a commodity sold on a global bid exchange. Sometimes it sells for $20/bbl sometimes for $120/bbl. It’s what people offer, not a set price.

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I suspect he’s talking about the refined products, specifically gasoline, which seems like a different kind of market.

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Big Oil doesn’t sell gasoline to the public. For example, we own and operate 16 stations in the US, one station in each of the 16 states we have a trademark, simply to maintain the trademark and rights to operate in that state. Big Oil owns and operates less than 0.5% of their branded stations. The rest are operated by local small businesses, who set retail fuel prices. Your ire for price gouging should be directed at your local retailers who mark up the price at the pump, not the manufacturer of the product.



From whom do those locally-owned retail outlets purchase their refined products? If it is they who are jacking up the prices at the pumps, why is it that Big Oil is making all the profits?

Your disingenuousness on this topic is well established.

How many years have you worked in the oil industry, Limey?

For those not following. A woman in Dallas is pregnant with a fetus that is gonna die. It’s also a health issue to the mother. This is a mom of 2 kids, who is trying to have a 3rd kid. She went to a court because thanks the to GOP if a mom is at risk hey now need to clog the court, because the GOP thinks the know better than her doctor, and was “allowed” the ability to terminate a non viable fetus.

Well, until corrupt piece of shit Paxton stepped in. Unreal


I have been following and it’s making my fucking head explode. There is absolutely no bottom with these sick ghouls. Hey, Nexans, please, please do good old chuck and women and yourselves not necessarily in that order a favor and vote these motherfuckers out.

Like, some time in the next couple of decades, preferably, and if you’re in a particular hurry well that works too.


My wife told me about it over dinner tonight. I kept questioning her about the circumstances assuming there was some point that the GhoulOP could be touting. As far as I can tell no. Mom of 2 trying to have a 3rd kid. Fetus isn’t viable. Mom’s health is at serious risk. But Greg Abbott gets to decide this women’s health. Am I missing something ?




You’re missing the fact that the couple desperately wants a third child and this pregnancy, if carried to term, will likely keep her from being able to conceive again… therefore it’s like a “pre-abortion”.


Big Oil isn’t making all the profits.

I’ll just leave this here. Comer is such a fuckwit.


Exactly what I’d expect Big Oil to say

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Oh, actually, yes. You’re missing the fact that cruelty directed towards the most vulnerable is the Republicans’ brand. Married gay couple? Fuck you. Asylum seeking immigrant family from a place where gangs would murder you all? Fuck you too. Twelve year old with gender dysphoria? Kill yourself, freak. Woman with an unviable pregnancy that’s a mortal danger to her? Read a Bible, bitch.

If I were in charge all of these fascist freaks would get lined up against a wall.


But seriously, although my dad worked in O&G his whole life I don’t pretend to admit understand how it all works, aside from spending years in a warehouse cleaning drilling parts in a sink with varsol.

I had a great uncle who had a pretty ludicrously successful business cleaning oil field parts. My brother (a liberal, dude with the Trump in orange photo in his window) worked there for a summer or two and he’d come home so filthy it was absolutely comical. Our cousin worked there for about fifteen minutes until our uncle, an irascible sort, yelled at him for some transgression real or imagined and cousin quit and went home. Cousin is now a far right loon who home schools and has a personal armory and thinks Fox News is part of the conspiracy and so on.

No matter, I bring this up to say that it was my uncle, HUGE Cougar supporter back in the day, who gave Glenn Montgomery a fake job and it eventually caused the program some problems. My brother tells a story of the boss yelling Where the hell is Montgomery and my brother was tasked with finding him and there he was, asleep in a company car with the AC on full blast.

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It always cracks me up to hear a Glenn Montgomery type story. 2 reasons, one the people who are bemoaning NIL, 2 as a UH fan who hears UT fans talk about our “cheating” LOL. fucking ostriches

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Back to this. Paxton is an absolute crook. He is everything the DWards want Biden to be. Of course he will never post bad about Paxton.

But what’s their endgame with this. It’s very much the dog catching the car. They can’t be serious people so just be cruel because that’s what has worked for so long.


They have indeed caught the car. I’d like to see their faces smashed in for it, nasal passages collapsed can’t breathe going to die sort of caught the car.