The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Can we be done with this yet?

Comer’s “recurring” payments from a son to a father were a total of three payments of <$1400 each for a car. This was all reported in the press a year ago. And they were in 2018 when Biden was not elected to nor running for office.


I’m sure Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma because of his vast knowledge. I’m also sure he earned every penny he earned and I’m sure Joe Biden isn’t “the big buy.” The Bidens are corrupt as hell. They have been for years.

Not saying there is anything illegal or even wrong. I can’t help but wonder what kind of a bind Hunter was in where he needed to borrow $4,000 in three installments for a truck. He was 48.

Well, you know about him. He’s a screwup and they often need money.

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He had been a junkie. He probably had no money and no access to credit. His dad gave him the down payment on a truck and most likely guaranteed the loan.

Bottom line is that there are, sadly, thousands and thousands of parents who have had to do the same for their wayward kids. My parents did it for my brother and sister, multiple times each. It’s family drama, not political theater and certainly not a scandal.


You either have empathy or you don’t. People that have had a loved one go through issues with addiction know exactly how horrific it can be. It’s not a laughing matter nor does it deserve public humiliation.

I for one am happy to see the guy sober, it’s one of the toughest journeys an individual can make and can build tremendous character. I would guess that some people that choose to mock these individuals would not have what it takes to beat the illness.

Speaking of political children, I also hope Trump Jr. gets help for his rather obvious cocaine issue. And I actually say that with genuine concern and not to rile up the resident psychopath.

I cringe anytime I see someone so obviously having substance abuse issues publicly. When you get to the point that you can no longer hide it, it’s likely a debilitating situation and nobody deserves that.


Just borrowing some of that money “the big guy” got illegally so he could buy a $100,000 Ford Raptor. Poor misunderstood guy can’t even afford a truck so daddy aka “the big guy” got him a $100,000 truck.

Nope. Not disturbing at all.

Giuliani is going into the penalty phase of the civil suit against him by Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss. The judge in the case ordered summary judgement against Giuliani for failing to comply with discovery, including no-showing for depositions and getting caught trying to hide money.

Against that backdrop, imagine how terrified Rudy must be of a jury, because he petitioned for the penalty phase to be heard by the judge. The same judge who ordered the default judgement because Rudy is such a cheat and a liar.

Today the judge told Rudy to take his petition and do one. Case goes to the jury later this month. Giuliani will be bankrupted several times over by this case. Happy holidays.


In SCOTUS news, the court is hearing today a case that could permanently shield billionaires from a wealth tax. I’m sure the likes of Thomas, Alito and Roberts are going into this with open minds…

If they make it illegal to tax assets, does that mean I don’t have to pay my property taxes this year?


Fun Fact: remember that hilariously self-unaware interview Justice Alito did a few months back? That interview was taken by a dude called David Rifkin. Same dude is also arguing for the plaintiff in this case!


Patrick McHenry, the gavel goblin who sat in the big chair for about three weeks, is not seeking re-election to Congress.

I think people are finally seeing just how corrupt and stupid Biden is. The only people who don’t are about 40% of the public who would vote for literally anything living and breathing that is a Democrat.

In short, Biden does nothing for people of color. He also has a long track record of being a racist.

Trump’s civil case in NY is winding down. The last witness for the defense will be [checks notes] Donald J. Trump, after which Judge Engoron is expected to render his penalty - Trump has already been convicted on the main count, don’t forget - within 2 hours to 2 weeks.

But that doesn’t mean that Trump’s lawyers are finished with the self-immolation in court:

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 2.03.52 PM

Jack Smith has made a filing in the Jan 6 case, stating that he will present over a decade’s worth of Trump’s statements and actions as corroboration of Trump’s motive behind the Jan 6 insurrection. This will include all the times he bitched about “rigged elections” in the 2016 primary and the 2016 general (which he claimed was rigged because he lost the popular vote).

Fun Fact: Trump is barred under rules of evidence from presenting anything he may have said and done that may be exculpatory. If he wants to bring such things into evidence, he can do so, but only by taking the stand himself.

Fun fact: The January 6th case will get nowhere. If you think President Trump will see any jail time from this, you are dumber than I give you credit for.

Let’s hear why Capitol police was instructed to let people in the building. The public is more interested in that.


Mike Johnson admits to conspiring to obstruct justice.

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Democrats just don’t want to see what really happened. It does not support “the narrative.”

Well, when you’re in support of a traitor who was the previous occupant of the White House and believe the ‘20 election was rigged and stolen because you’re a Jan. 6 apologist, of course you want to act as such in protecting these insurrectionists.