The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

A lesson learned by Derek Chauvin the hard way.


This is just beyond ridiculous.

The transition from useful idiot to plain olā€™ idiot is going to leave him swinging in the hurricane of the legal system.

I guess heā€™s run out of secrets to sell.

Limey thinks about President Trump 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Is it too early to put up my War on Christmas decorations?

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My brother has a giant picture of Trumpy in an orange jumpsuit displayed to the street in a picture window of his house. If you want I can ask where he got it. Maybe they have one with him in a Santaā€™s hat too to seasonalize it a little.


I like your brotherā€™s style.

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He also has a fairly sophisticated camera network outside so he can monitor from his command center the various reactions of outraged pedestrians.

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Ok, now I love his style.

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My dad has a sophisticated video camera network around his house, but itā€™s mostly to see if any raccoons got in the garage.


Iā€™m not seeing much difference.


Trump derangement syndrome runs very deep in this group. I hope you all enjoy him being the next President.

Well, thereā€™s plenty of that sort of thing, too. For example, at the moment heā€™s battling a cadre of field mice who steal in at night and eat his grass seeds among other unpardonable transgressions. He has a series of humane traps set up along the fence and in other strategic locations, and they quickly figured out how to a) take the bait without springing the trap and b) how to wriggle out of the trap if they are in fact careless enough to get caught. Apparently they can flatten themselves in a way to get under the trapā€™s door, or at least thatā€™s what the video evidence suggests.

He can also monitor the movements and assess the intentions of anyone possessing the audacity to approach the heavily gated front door. Itā€™s Mormons, mostly, but also campaigners and other do gooders.

I was over there on Halloween and I will say it was useful to know in advance how many trick or treaters were arriving in any particular group in order to be properly prepared.

I believe he also monitors the poolā€™s solar powered surface cleaner in case it gets hung up on a hose or something. I think we can all see how important a video network is to the maintenance of a household.

Just imagine how much mango-related angst couldā€™ve been avoided with such a system.

I take it he has everything wired correctly, so he doesnā€™t suffer the same technical issues as ā€œsome peopleā€ I know.

Well, back in Panama I didnā€™t have my compound under total lockdown and mango snatchers were able to penetrate the perimeter with little issue. Fortunately for me my windows were usually open and I could step out onto my balcony and shout at those loathsome miscreants.

Speaking of loathsome, the fellow who bought that house promptly cut that tree down. I guess he hates shade and he hates fruit.

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Heā€™s the kind of guy who hires someone to put up his Christmas lights so, yeah, Iā€™m pretty sure the wiringā€™s solid.

This is important.

Trump is sucking up all the small-dollar donations and spending on them his lawyers. He lost in 2020 in no small part due to the fact that his campaign - that claimed to have raised record-breaking funds - was broke by October, broken by months of grift by TrumpWorld. They were unable to buy ads in the main battleground states, ceding the airwaves to the Biden campaign in the closing weeks.

In 2020, Trump wasnā€™t defending nearly 100 felony counts. Even if big dollar donors open their wallets, Trump is going to incinerate so much of the available campaign money that they will not be able to compete everywhere.

The campaign will also very likely be playing defense in otherwise safe states because of the candidate, and because of abortion rights for which Trump has volunteered himself the poster villain. Abortion rights are now a proven winning campaign issue for Democrats from California to Kansas, having been supported by voters every single time it has been put to them.

The press, of course, will claim itā€™s neck and neck right up to the moment that Trump is smashed in a blue wave.


And yet, regrettably, the mental midgets/cultists/dolts who support his traitorous, bronzer wearing sorry ass will continue to support and vote for him because of their blind fealty and cultist personas and inability to recognize the existential threat 45 and the QOP pose to our republic and democracy.


In 2016, he lost the popular vote by 4 million, but eked out a win in the Electoral College. In 2020 he lost the popular vote by 7 million, and lost the Electoral College too.

New voters arenā€™t going to vote for Trump.
Existing non-Trump voters arenā€™t going to switch to Trump.
Existing Trump voters are dying at a faster rate than non-Trump voters.

He will continue to become less popular, especially once the focus turns to the candidate head-to-head.

I am not advocating for complacency, we tried that in 2016, I am simply trying to offer a balm against the breathless media coverage of the horse race. Trump is not adding voters while Trumpā€™s legacy, including and especially the overturning of Roe, is motivating Gen Z to vote and to vote blue.

The press canā€™t deal with this because they are still covering this as if it was our fathersā€™ campaign. Polls havenā€™t been accurate since the rise of cell phones and have been rendered complete nonsense by the coming of age of Gen Z as a voting bloc. Does anyone think that pollsters have any ability to sample accurately the opinions of Gen Z?

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