The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread


Just in case it comes up over dinner today, there wasn’t a terrorist attack on our northern “boarder” (sic) yesterday, it was an idiot in a Bentley who lost control because he was speeding.

Fox News spent the whole day promoting the terrorism thing based entirely on hypothetical shit they made up on the fly. When the truth came out, they ignored it and then just dropped the story, leaving it hanging there uncorrected.

Totally normal.


That’s Trump’s Derangement Syndrome.


Couldn’t agree more. Limey thinks about Trump day and night. He dreams about him and thinks about him first thing in the morning.

That’s what right-wing media does best- not fact checking and promoting steaming piles of disinformation horseshit.

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It’s been well established that Fox News is an entertainment outlet. By their own admission in court. It’s not a news source.

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We can also thank St. Ronny Reagan and H.W. for repealing the fairness doctrine for news reporting.


CNN has been the laughingstock of news for many years now.

It’s certainly left leaning but is still a viable news source if you understand those biases. Unlike Fox News with its well understood finance driven motivations. I don’t really use either for news. I will typically use BBC, NPR and Al Jazeera when looking for solid news sources.


Yes CNN is a joke, most normal people agree. But you get your information from Tucker and zerohedge, so SHUT THE FUCK up about “media” when you obviously don’t give a shit about objectively you troll.

Kiss my ass. You have no clue where I get my news from. You’re probably waiting eagerly for your morning CNN or MSNBC news to begin. You are a gullible liberal who will believe whatever they spoon feed you and want you to believe.


Poor little thing got his feelings hurt.

Nah you clearly did. Snowflake.

You’re the one who called me out. It clearly struck a nerve when the truth settled in.

While you are here. Who do you consider legitimate sources of news? I’m guessing you are too chickenshit to answer that. sad!

Nearly all are leaning one direction or another. You have to wade through the bullshit and use common sense. Which you don’t seem to be blessed with much of.