The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

That was the Affordable Care Act, not Obamacare you commie

The Death of Stalin is a great movie


Helping the non-billionaires? Why would we do that?


How so? Please elaborate how it helped.

Iā€™m an independent consultant in the energy biz and Obamacare has been a godsend. The rate of increase in my health insurance cost would have consumed my entire income in about 6 years if Obamacare hadnā€™t kicked in. In bad years, there was help, in good years none was needed. Iā€™ll be transitioning to Medicare soon but Iā€™ve had conditions that would have nearly bankrupted me if not for Obamacare.

Also, after more than a decade, not one Death Panel.


I was reflecting on this earlier today. I work for myself, and if the ACA didnā€™t exist, insurance would be inaccessible to me. What that would mean in practical terms is that without the ACA, we would not have been able to move to the US in order to seek the educational resources my son needs.

You and I offer two of the literally millions of stories of people who, absent the ACA, would be uninsured or bankrupt or dead. And yet Republicans, sociopaths to a one, want to dismantle it entirely. And they plan to replace it withā€¦ absolutely nothing.

And as perverse and wantonly cruel and insane as that is, itā€™s not particularly near the top of the list of the horrifying shit theyā€™re explicitly trying to do. Happy weekend, everyone.


Tell us exactly how Obama care helped.

Remember, the QOP is purportedly ā€˜pro-lifeā€™, which is a steaming pile of a wet dog shit lie.
If they were indeed, ā€˜pro-lifeā€™, theyā€™d be for gubment investment in its citizenry which pays dividends. Theyā€™d be all in on raising the minimum wage, returning pre-Saint Ronny Reagan marginal tax rates, strengthening labor unions, protecting clean air and water/natural resources/the environment, ensuring access to health care/reproductive rights as well as sex education and contraception, supporting gun control measures, infrastructure spending, properly funding, supporting and advancing public education, supporting migrant rights and not willing to bomb the ever living shit out of foreign countries under false pretenses so as to exacerbate the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned about (and Iā€™m pro-military, btw).
But hey, culture wars, Barry O. wore a tan suit, pronouns, fight wokism or CRT or a fucking Barbie movie, something, something gazpacho.
Feckless snowflakes.


Can you tell us exactly how Obama care helped? I expect crickets.

Chuck just explained how it helped him and his family. He is but one of millions.


He did not say how it made it affordable to him. I do not think he can say how it did.

He likes it because a Democrat came up with it. If a Republican had came up with it, he would be whining as to how terrible it was.

Republicans did come up with it.


Based off of Mitt Romneyā€™s program when he was Guv of Massachusetts, if I recall.


Nixon had proposed an even more ā€œextremeā€ version.

Yes, thatā€™s why it is called Obama care.

As I have said before, if Margaret Thatcher had proposed something anywhere close to Obamacare, she wouldā€™ve been torn to pieces on the floor of parliament and the bits thrown in the Thames.

Yes he did. Canā€™t understand it for you.

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Please tell him why he is wrong and why Obamacare is bad for him. He obviously needs you to explain it to him.

Iā€™ll hold your beerā€¦

He did not say how it made it affordable for him. You might go back and read it as it appears as if you didnā€™t comprehend what he said.