The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

He announced that he would not. He’s lied about everything else, so it’s certainly plausible he’s lying about that too.

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7/10, neglected to mention that they were gay lovers.

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Apropos nothing, this t-shirt is for sale on Mike Johnson’s website.

That may not send the message they think it does.


Don’t ask don’t tell!

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Jesus is love…with a reacharound.

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A lot of finding out going on today. To wit, the House GOP has introduced a motion to expel George Santos.

The GOP-led House investigation of Santos was damning, and included criminal acts that the Feds didn’t even find. The finished report was co-signed by every member of the 10-person sub-committee.

Will there be enough Republicans to get to the 2/3rds majority required for expulsion? We’ll find out when they vote on the motion, probably later today.

Jesus, the screeching is going to be deafening.


Meanwhile, because the day ends in a “y”, Trump is on trial somewhere around the country.

In the NYAG’s fraud trial, the defense brought on an expert witness to discuss the Trump DC laundromat. Cross examination was short and sweet:

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 9.51.13 AM

The witness also contradicted his own deposition testimony.

Only the best people, right?

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Dude, it’s the QOP we’re speaking of here. They lack any semblance of morality or ethics, so they’ll wind themselves around whatever pathetically false notions they can conjure up to keep this slimeball in office, just as they’ve justified the existence of the former orange hued (now more leathery looking) traitor who used to occupy the White House.

Besides, this guy says the quiet part out loud-
Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) when interviewed by Axios, asked, “why would we want to expel a guy … [when] we’ve got a three-seat, four-seat majority. What are we doing?”


Elect clowns, expect circuses…


Those are Trump’s arms.


Hands are waaaaaay too big.

Bout the same as they are in this photograph:


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I’ll never understand the blind fealty or admiration for this 2-bit clown show fuckwit, but then again, there are some downright stupid fucking people in this world :man_shrugging:t3:


There should be meds available for Democrats to combat their mental illness.

If that were even true, the Republicans wouldn’t allow enough health care for half the population to afford them.

Obama care is clearly the answer.

I would gladly welcome the understated sanity of a third Obama term. Unfortunately, the Constitution doesn’t permit it, at least until your Führer changes that.


It certainly worked for a couple of hundred million people.