The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I don’t think pens count as flair even at Chili’s.


These days I look at people and hope they’re not younger than me. I’m glad to know Bannon’s two year’s older. Still, I’d have to work hard to get a gut like that in two years.

And I think I’ll keep getting hair cuts.


That’s a man (using the term loosely) with new too-small boots with unscuffed leather soles on a polished floor. I do not feel the least bit sorry for him, since it’s clearly an affectation adopted to make him appear more like a “man of the people”.

He also wears lifts.

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Basically, he’s wearing stilettos wrapped in leather.

I don’t get the “old guys with long hair” thing. Perhaps it’s an “if you got it, flaunt it” situation, but at well on the high side of 60 I still have full coverage and I can’t stand to wear it long.

Biden knows a thing or two about falling. Funny you should poke fun at Desantis for not even coming close to falling. What are your thoughts about Biden falling?

Well, when you have on high heeled boots and lifts inside those boots, it’s tough to walk I’m sure.

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I’ve been bald since my late 20 and early on, after weighing my options – combover, toupee, implants; I decided a crew cut was the only dignified way to go. Few things bother me more than a man with a lush head of hair pretending to be be bald by shaving his head. Bald curious is not a thing. It’s a cultural misappropriation, dammit.


More of this please.

Stay on target. Don’t let them off the hook. There was so many lies that the Congressman threw out to try to distract and obfuscate, but the interviewer stayed on the initial question. By doing do, he caused the Congressman to disappear up his own asshole.

I only started losing my hair in my late 30s, and back in my 20s, I had hair that would have made you cry. I always promised myself I’d never be one of those guys who pretended he had more than he did. I had it, it’s gone. And that’s OK. I had hair when it mattered.

I wear my hair fairly long these days. Not dvauthrin/Jethro Tull/Flamingo flute long, but longer than a lot of people might consider appropriate. This all started during the pandemic when in Panama we were given certain hours we could leave the house to go to the grocery store and those hours were determined by your gender and the final number of your national ID card and there was never any mention of when a male whose cedula ends in 4 could go to the peluqueria so I never went. My hair got long, and I got used to it. When I’d venture out jogging at night under cover of darkness I eventually needed some of my wife’s various hair containment technologies to keep things manageable, and I got used to that, too.

Anyway, I discovered that having longish hair makes me look like a lunatic, which is in large part why I maintain it.



Let your freak flag fly!


Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 7.36.25 AM

Meanwhile, Manchin lives on a yacht and drives a Maserati.

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So he’s the education Senator.

Who slipped below WV?

Oklahoma, Alaska, and New Mexico.

The three states with the largest Native American populations. Hmmm…