The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Her mom and dad walked off from the governor’s mansion with anything that wasn’t nailed down. He also collected all the hard drives from their (state) computers and had them shredded.

Janet “Jethrine” Huckabee is a giant asshole too. She once caused a wreck on I-30 and got out and started ordering all the state police around.

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Red Dwarf just might be my favorite show of all time.

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WTF is right. Here’s one for even more money!

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Greatest “look how fucking big our spaceship is” moment in all of TV and movie history.

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Thanksgiving must be a fucking riot.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 2.21.43 PM

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Time to start locking these Biden family crooks up. Not only can Biden not beat Trump in a fair election, Trump uncovered massive Biden fraud. No wonder Biden has directed the justice department to go after the Trumps so hard.

Incapable of governing. The only thing they know how to do is whine, complain and destroy.

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They’re a gaggle of inept dolts akin to monkeys flinging feces.

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Still remember my reaction knowing nothing about the show when I started and having the whole thing kick off with everyone dying.

What a cast and some of the best sci-fi comedy writing that will ever happen, period. Genius.

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One secondary impact of Beshear’s re-election in Kentucky (by a greater margin than 4 years ago), is what this means for Mitch McConnell. Has he been hanging on, hoping that the Republican would win and get to appoint his replacement? That’s not going to happen now.

So is he going to step down now anyway, or just hang around until he strokes out on live TV? His choice.

as long as that traitorous piece of shit is gone I’m happy to replace him with a Dem. Or even a used condom, which is about the worth of Mitch in the real world.

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Hillary goes there:

I had to check. This is not a parody account.


Like my post last night, I’m not sure why you hold the following view in derision: polls support liberal views on abortion, polls indicate a distaste for MAGA and Trump, and polls show that people just aren’t fired up about Biden, so much so they might choose someone else they don’t like in a head to head.

I think Biden will probably beat Trump, but it’s pretty clear that a lot of people aren’t fired up about him. I suspect it’s mainly about inflation as it’s a stink that’s attached to Biden, unfairly of course, but that doesn’t matter. The average voter can’t analyze why inflation hit, and few understand that it hit us softer than in other countries, but Biden is the face of inflation and that’s not going away.

I also don’t think Biden has gained much through his handling of the Israeli/Hamas conflict.

I guess I’m one those that people term bedwetters as I wish Biden would bow out, and have the election be a referendum on Trump rather than a referendum on Biden.

Steve Bannon, who was unusually allowed release from his 4-month sentence pending appeal, is in court today for his appeal. If he loses, he should be walked straight to jail, but I expect his lawyers will try and argue some delay (he needs to prepare his affairs, it’s the holidays, he has eleventy shirts to collect from the dry cleaner).

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Bannon means business today.

I count at least 3 shirts and definitely 3 pens.

Is he waiting tables at Chili’s?

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Does Ron De Santis even own a mirror?

Also, those boots are ridiculous. He tripped down the steps from the podium last night. Hence the care taken during this clip:

He walks like he’s wearing ski boots.