The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

The Limey lying machine is in full force this morning. The last time I saw this much made up garbage, I turned the television off of CNN.

Princess Kleptomania has entered the building. While she was removed from this suit - by dint of the statute of limitations - she was the point person for the Trump Org’s dealings with Deutsche Bank, oversaw the deal for the Old Post Office (Trump’s DC hotel), and had purchase options on multiple Trump Org properties at far below the value stated in the SOFCs.

She can do a lot of damage to Team Trump, but she could also put herself back in the frame by admitting to crimes after 2014. Pleading the 5th is definitely an option for her today.

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Ivanka is using her Scarlett Witch whisper voice today. She has been repeatedly told to speak up or lean into the mic.

And here comes the first receipt/I don’t recall exchange of the day (the first of many, I expect) over an email she sent regarding the financing of the purchase of Doral, in which she says her father would send financial statements by “hard mail”.

Your primer for what the fuck they’re on about when Trump World is screeching later today about the disrespect shown to Entitlement Barbie by Judge Engoron.

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The prosecution has walked Ivanka into a trap and, as soon as Kise realized this, he leapt up with his oft-dismissed objection over the statute of limitations (for the record, the statute applies to charges, not evidence). Denied…uh-genn.

The trap that they laid for Ivanka over the Doral purchase financing is that she tried to get multiple banks on board, all of which disappeared after seeing the SOFCs. It was only after she’d exhausted all other options that she did the deal with dodgy side of Deutsche Bank.

The DB deal had the following covenant:

Guarantor shall maintain a Minimum Net Worth of $3.0 billion excluding any value related to the Guarantor’s brand value.

The guarantor being Trump and the NYAG has presented evidence previously that Trump did not have that level of net worth at the time he signed the deal, let alone in the following years. Also, Trump has routinely include an uplift for brand value in his SOFCs, against the above covenant and against GAAP.

That all these deals which Trump guaranteed had a minimum net worth requirement shows that Trump had more than one reason to lie on his SOFCs.

So what do you call Biden’s voice when he can’t speak a coherent sentence or blurts gibberish?

The crooked Democrat judge can and will do whatever he wants (what Barry and Biden tell him to do) but at least Trump can appeal and get this kangaroo court ruling overturned.

This is making Trump even more popular and will get him elected next year as it is exposing how crooked the Democrat Party is.

Alina Habba just objected to a piece of evidence - an email. The NYAG pointed out that it is a defense exhibit. The email in question? From Ivanka to Trump Org execs claiming that the DB deal for Doral “doesn’t get any better than this!”

Maybe Habba realized what was coming next:

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Ultimately, Trump Org did the deal with Deutsche Bank for Doral, lowering the net worth requirement to $2.5 billion. At the time, Trump evidenced his net worth at $4.3 billion but experts have testified to it being $1.6 billion by their calculations.

In 2016, Ivanka tried to get the loan converted to being unsecured, but DB couldn’t “make an exception at this time”. So the only way the Trump Org could get financing was with a personal guarantee from Trump himself, such guarantees were predicated on his net worth, which was evidenced by his SOFCs.

As Inspector Clouseau would say…“case close-ed.”

They’re now moving on to Ivanka’s sweetheart deals for swanky New York apartments in Trump Org buildings.


Not unexpectedly, Ivanka can’t recall shit. This helps her get through questioning - as it did with her siblings and father - but it doesn’t help the cause of the Trump Org, which is facing the death penalty (disgorgement). They are not offering any defense, or any justification as to why Engoron should not dissolve the company. They are being presented with documentary evidence…and shrugging.

Now, the defense will put on its…ummm…defense next week. They have, thus far, declined to cross examine the Trumps following their questioning by the NYAG’s lawyers, but they have the option to call them as witnesses for the defense. I doubt they will do that because it will require the Trumps to give definitive answers and allow the NYAG’s lawyers another crack at them.

But this isn’t a criminal trial so they cannot sit back and claim that the “prosecution” hasn’t made its case beyond a reasonable doubt. They have to provide enough of a defense to push the needle “50% plus a hair” in their favor. I don’t know how they can do that, but I guess we’ll find out how/if they can next week.

Did the loan get paid off? Yes it did. The whole case is complete made up politically motivated bullshit that will eventually get thrown out when it gets away from liberal judges who “don’t want to hear what Trump has to say.”

She also strong-armed the legislature by calling a special session to change the FOIA laws because of the blogger snooping around into her spending. She was trying to hide the receipts from the Paris Air Show she took her bestie ratfucker friends to, but surprise, the blogger already had the receipts. And he had an original one, not the faked-up one they handed over from his FOIA request.

A lot of Arkansas conservatives are PISSED at Ol’ Squint and the way she rolled in and elbowed everyone out. They also remember her dad and what a slimy piece of shit he is. The legislature’s audit panel is taking a look at all the shady bullshit, and their conclusion will show whether they bow down or try to reel her in.

No one expects her to stay long because she obviously has her eyes on bigger things over there and over there.


Which eye?

She and her Dad are rat-fucking Chrsto-fascists.


She’s able to multitask. She’s keeping one eye on Arkansas and the other on the Trump campaign.

Also, future scandal prediction – this whole podium bullshit story blew up because the blogger was looking into how much she was using a state police airplane. And the state police, which are led by a MAGA freak she appointed, heavily censored the records. And then she forced the legislature to change the FOIA laws too.

So, the expectation is that the state police airplane will soon be jetting all over the country to swing states and Trump rallies, at taxpayer expense. Because of the FOIA changes we won’t be able to see how many people named Huckabee and Sanders are on the plane, but of course it will come out eventually anyway.


Matt Cambell has found his calling.

Someone needs to check that this doesn’t vanish when Sanders leaves the governor’s office.

Also…WTF?! $14k for a toaster oven?

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It’s the special kind that synthesizes/replicates the food before toasting it.

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Exactly. Unless you can walk up to it and order “tea, Earl Grey, hot”, it ain’t worth $14k.

Or, if you’re the Cat…

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Matt Campbell is great, he is a colossal pain in the ass to Republicans. He also just joined the Arkansas Times, our very good alternative news source, so he’ll be getting even more exposure.

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Trigger Warning: Lauren Boebert.

Stop electing stupid people.