The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Judge Cannon is getting smarter less stupid with her compliance with Trump
s delay tactics.

March 1 is three days before Trump goes in front of Judge Chutkan in DC. It’s so obvious that she’s going to use that for cover to delay this trial further because the focus will all be on DC at that point.

I noticed that too. It’s weird because the Native American population in Oklahoma, thanks to fossil fuel rights (and Casinos), is much different socioeconomically, than say the Native Americans in South Dakota, or even New Mexico and Alaska.

I suspect Bannon keeps his hair long so he can do that nifty comb-back thing off his forehead, plus it seems to accentuate the glamorous bags under his eyes.

…and hides the scabs on his face.

Speaking of Bannon, his lawyer faced an uphill battle yesterday.

Everyone deserves a defense and representation, but David Schoen would argue that Jeffrey Dahmer was just hungry.

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Creeper of the House Mike Johnson, who claims not to have a bank account, repeatedly blows throw deadlines for filing his taxes:

In case you’re wondering why there isn’t a blow-by-blow account of Don Jr’s testimony as the first witness for the defense…it’s because, thus far, it’s been an extended commercial for Trump Org.

When they went back to the early 1900s and the days of Fred Trump, attorneys for the state made a tongue-in-cheek objection about the statute of limitations. That’s the only moment of interest thus far.

Don Jr. is making wisecracks about New Jersey and how much his brother’s photo had been photoshopped. He’s also waxing lyrical about all of Daddy’s properties, including the Mar-a-Lago “estate” (it’s a social club) and how 40 Wall Street - that Trump Sr. bragged about being the tallest in downtown Manhattan about 30 minutes after the two taller buildings had collapsed killing thousands - is directly opposite the NYSE (it isn’t) and is 72 floors (it’s 63).

He seems light and jovial, especially given that he found out a couple of hours ago that his aunt had died. This is both completely on brand (sociopathy) and completely off brand (compulsive can-kicking). No hint of a request for a continuance, which would surely be given should it be requested.

Here’s what Trump posted to Truth Social shortly after hearing of his sister’s death.


Jr’s direct testimony has concluded with a condo salesman’s flourish.

Cross-examination about to begin. I’m not sure what they’ll have to talk about, seeing as Jr offered basically nothing by way of a defense for the malleable valuations of Trump properties.

So, yeah, cross examination was basically nothing. The NYAG attorney did manage to get in a nice zinger about the Trump Waikiki hotel - that Jr waxed on about (get it?) - discarding the Trump name. That was the lead witness for the defense.

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 2.04.04 PM

Limey with the last 8 posts. That’s sad.

Well it’s Groundhog Day…again.

New Speaker Mike Johnson is facing a handful of GOP defections and will need Democratic support to avert a government shutdown at the end of the week.

Speaking of Johnson (get it?) his personal finances literally do not add up.

There are many things about that kook that don’t add up.

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The whole no bank account thing has been cleared up. There’s a threshold under which they don’t have to report bank accounts. So he has no reportable bank accounts.

Which opens up a whole new set of questions, such as why not? Just his Congressional salary alone puts him in the top 10% income earners nationwide, and the top 5% in Bossier Co., LA. His $205,000 salary is 7x the median household income in Bossier Co. His wife makes money too. So where is it?

He’s a creepy little backwater crooked politician, who is going to regret flying this close to the sun.


What’s the threshold? I wouldn’t be surprised if he were willing to keep 20 separate accountsvjust to avoid reporting.

Has to be an interest-bearing account with more than $5,000 in it.

Maybe he has a thing against interest and keeps it all in non-interest-bearing accounts? He has all sorts of whacked ideas about marriage, he may have them with respect to personal finance as well.

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Jesus drove the money changers out of the Temple. So, banks must be bad in Johnson’s world.

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