The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

FWIW, Trump is using the same “defense” as his sons, that he doesn’t know anything about GAAP and didn’t prepare the SOFC. He did admit to reviewing the SOFCs from time to time.

He confirmed that he took back control of the Trump Org in January 2021 as he figured he’d do business before getting back into politics. He also confirmed that he gave up control again the following July, because he was confident in the ability of his sons to run the company (and not because the company had been indicted 6 days prior).

As to the “defense” of I didn’t know, NY puts very strict duties of care on corporate officers and, by admitting to the complete abdication of such duties, they are admitting liability in this case. While this may help in front of the media - and possibly as regards any potential criminal charges - it adds weight to the state’s argument that the business is out of control needs to be dissolved.

Jeez. We’re already at the point where Trump’s ego and irritation is writing checks that will bounce because he’s fucking broke.

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I didn’t care. Bingo. NY law says he must.

I hope we’re lucky enough to live through it


Man! I set myself up perfectly for that one, and then kicked my standing foot.

Just checked and Melania is still married to President Trump. So, he isn’t broke.

So how is Trump doing as a witness?

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We’re not even an hour in.

Trump is giving rambling speeches in response to yes/no questions, the judge has told defense attorneys to control him or he will be dismissed as a witness, and the defense has argued that - as a candidate for president - he should be allowed to say whatever the fuck he wants. This got Engoron to yell “SIT DOWN!” at Team Trump.

So, yeah, total shit show. The old “wrestling a pig” adage springs to mind.


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Looks like someone supports NBC’s motion to have cameras in the federal court for his DC trial.

Trump is testifying that the 3x over-reporting of the square footage of his Trump Tower apartment “wasn’t too far off” when you consider the roof access (so the roof is part of his apartment now?) but they “forgot to take out the elevator shafts and things.”

“They” of course, being the SOFC gnomes who prepared all these documents that the Trumps signed.

He also pointed out that they changed the report, i.e. he stopped beating his wife so it’s all good now.


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Why TF is this not on TV!!!

Judge Engoron appears to have decided to let Trump go, and leave it up to the NYAGs attorneys to ask better questions and/or stop the witness when he goes off topic. The NYAG attorneys don’t seem that bothered to stop Trump, because he is destroying his grounds for appeal and he is always liable to say something stupid/self-incriminating/damning.

To wit:

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FTR, the NYAG’s office is right next door to 40 Wall Street.

Again, Engoron is “the Decider” here, and he has to decide whether the Trump Org is fit to continue to operate as a business in NY. A big part of that fitness is who the “control officers” are, and the Trumps have shown that they are a clear and present danger to the NY business world.

Just as they are an existential threat to our republic and democracy.


They’re recessed for lunch.

Here’s a fun moment that I missed from earlier:

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State your name…

The afternoon starts off much the same. Trump spouting off about how rich he is and how little he knows about his SOFCs.

And here comes the trap that everyone else saw coming from a mile away:

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The NYAG ends its questioning of Trump, having had him admit to all of the fraud of which he’s been accused. The stupid doesn’t stumble far from the stump.

But, in perhaps the most damning thing in court today - after all the pontificating, fire branding and muck slinging done by Trump and his attorneys in front of the cameras - there is no cross examination.

Day off tomorrow and then Ivanka on Wednesday.

Motions on Thursday (where Engoron will deny the motion for a mistrial).

Defense starts Monday.

Who’s going to tell her?

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As a government executive, we are put through a rigorous development program where we are taught about the risks associated with having pretty or compromised people represent us. I would place the training at about a third grade level.

Who’s going to tell her?

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 9.00.34 AM

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