The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Every time you refer to this loser I’m reminded of a sandwich I used to order at a deli near one of the places I worked in college. It was called the Fromage Collage. Just thought I’d share.


Well now I’m hungry.

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That may have come directly from Trump. Sexual assault, as proven in a court of law, is his go-to move.

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For the record, Frère Fromage got 5 years’ probation, has to pay $5,000 in restitution, do 100 hours of community service and write a letter of apology. If you recall, he was one of the main drivers behind the fake electors shenanigans, so this plea deal will have repercussions across multiple cases in multiple states.

I feel like this is a significant step in the direction of a functioning democracy in that it should send an unambiguous message to these freaks that if you’re going to try this fake elector shit again your ass is going to jail.

Of course, that’s assuming they don’t try it again and win.


This is a sad day for the legal profession. To think that advising somebody that they should carry out an illegal course of action could be seen as anything other than legal advice is mind-boggling.


They’re rat-fuckers, so you know they’ll try it again.

Just in case you hadn’t had enough today, there are developments in the NYAG case that could make things even worse for the entire Trump crime family.

During testimony earlier this week, Allen Weisselberg stated that he had never made any claims as to the size and/or value of Trump’s apartment in Trump Tower. Forbes magazine furrowed its brow, said “hang on a minute,” shuffled through some papers and pulled a series of emails in which Weisselberg did, in fact, make claims regarding the size and/or value of Trump’s apartment. So he perjured himself.

So what? We know the Trump Org has been lying about this - Trump has already been found guilty of such in this very case - so why does this matter? Well, it seems that AG James’ team had never seen those emails before, meaning that the Trumps did not fully comply with discovery.

So now James is asking for an all-the-way-to-the-back-teeth examination of the Trump Org’s emails to see what else they may have failed to disclose. That would mean that Team James gets to see everything, and they may very well uncover all new shenanigans. This could be particularly worrisome for Ivanka, who was dismissed from this case because of lack of evidence.

Of the stuff the Trumps didn’t hand over, did Les Incompetents in the Trump Org manage to shred every hard copy in every file and delete every electronic copy on every server, computer, laptop and phone? What about the recipients of undisclosed emails - like Forbes? What else is festering away in those files? This is a very risky moment for all concerned.

Oh, and Weisselberg is currently on parole from Riker’s Island, of which perjury would be a violation.

I get the feeling that Nov 2024 will be a Hail Mary for these crooks.

The wild card in all of this is that Trump is only increasing his lead in the polls.

National polls are irrelevant because of the Electoral College. Hillary lost in 2016 in large part because she ignored Wisconsin completely, and they punished her for it. Trump lost in 2020 in large part because he’d blown all his campaign money on himself, and it was flat broke before the end of September; meaning that Biden had the airwaves to himself in key battleground states in the closing weeks of the campaign.

However, there is a wild card is going into 2024, and it’s going to be ChatGPT. Hear me out…

In 2016 and 2020, Russian troll farms fire-hosed social media with their propaganda. Lots of people’s crazy uncles shared it on FaceBook, but it was pretty easy to spot to anyone paying attention because the style of the prose was unnatural and obviously…well…fake.

Enter ChatGPT, where any vodka-swilling idiot with a keyboard can ask ChapGPT to “write me a news article about new allegations against Joe Biden that he lives by drinking the blood of freshly-slaughtered babies”. And ChatGPT will spit out a perfectly designed bit of fake news, ready to be fed into the brains of crazy uncles everywhere.

Given that Trump’s campaign is already flat broke - because all the money has been spent on lawyers - and that the candidate himself my well be in jail long before we reach the vinegar strokes of the 2024 election, fake AI news may be the only thing that can keep it close.

Do I need to post the pictures of Biden once again?

Sounds a little like the ignored fellow. I haven’t noticed any trend from reputable polls.

Trump chances are pretty fucking slim; it’s not 2016 where sentient beings could conjure up an acceptable version of him.



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The House GOP held a secret ballot (because death threats) and Jordan is no longer the party’s nominee for Speaker. Notably, when voting in secret, Jordan received only 86 “yeas” vs. 112 “nays”.

They’re going home for the weekend and are going to reboot their whole process on Monday with a candidate forum. Lord knows what swamp troll that will vomit up.


The disparity between their public and secret votes reminds me of two recent interviews with Republican House members. Both of them basically said “we can’t come to agreement because, unlike Democrats, we’re free thinkers and value liberty so highly.” Values they apparently display best in secret.



Good Lord, the cultists of MAGA are nucking futs.

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At least they got grumpy, slumpy Trump right, and didn’t turn him into Mr. Universe.

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