The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I doubt she’ll be the last one. Once it gets real for them, a lot of these folks will take the deal.

Cheesebro (sp) is an odd bird to me, based on what I read on him, he’s supposed to be a generally intelligent guy who’s made some seriously questionable moves in his recent life. Will he take the opportunity to change things, or fully crash and burn?

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Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 10.40.17 AM

The very first thing he did as Speaker Pro Tempore (or whatever it’s called) is kick Nancy Pelosi out of her office. While she was at a funeral. A real class act, this McHenry.


Rep. Miller-Meeks has issued a formal statement regarding the death threats she received after voting for “not Gym Jordan” yesterday (having voted for him in the first ballot).

However, since my vote in support of Chairwoman Granger, I have received credible death threats and a barrage of threatening calls. The proper authorities have been notified and my office is cooperating fully.

One thing I cannot stomach, or support is a bully.

Are we seeing the end of Gym Jordan as a player in the House GOP?

It’s all theater for these fuckers.


How will they know if she’s truthful or not? If she says “I don’t recall Donald Trump saying that”?

That’s what the proffer is for. That’s why it is registered with the court. If she “knew” when she made the proffer and now “doesn’t remember”, she’s going to prison.


That’s the equivalent of sending Ken Rosenthal to interview Jose Altuve.


Maybe it’s so his feet aren’t dangling when he sits?


I don’t take the piss out of McHenry’s height because he’s short, I take the piss out of McHenry’s height because he’s a sniveling little gavel goblin, who is clearly bothered by appearing short.

I don’t take the piss out of Altuve’s height because I don’t take the piss out of Altuve because he seems to be a thoroughly decent person.

You owe me a keyboard.

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I don’t know if this is true…

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 12.09.44 PM

…but I know it’s true.

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The schadenfreude is off the charts today seeing these rat-fuckers have their comeuppance.


You hate to see it.


I know embarrassingly little given he used to rep us in Asheville before the districts got reshaped so that we could create Mark Meadows. But he was an early favorite of George W.’s, and fwiw he actually did come around to Asheville every now and then and play nice, even though he needed zero of our votes to win.

My sense of him—weird Pelosi-booting aside—is that he is a halfway decent guy. Kind of dude you see in a Reagan / Bush ‘84 sweater.


Apparently, the McHenry option is dead for the moment.

Don’t know why for sure, but it’s likely mirrors the basic dynamic running this show for weeks: too many crazies within the Republicans to agree and when someone comes to the Dems, the Dems want something and of course, the Republicans won’t offer a thing.

Round and Round we go.

The Flipperama continues.

They’re getting inside the room with these fake electors in multiple states. I expect new indictments and superseding indictments will follow. There are sitting members of Congress in peril here.

Jordan is back to thinking he can still win this.

Meanwhile, another GOP Rep has come out about death threats to himself, his family and his staff following his vote for not-Jordan.

He said he doesn’t give in to bullies. We’ll see.


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