The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

I can’t understand how a top-notch attorney (Trump hires only the best), charged in an absolutely meritless case, has pleaded guilty. Trump himself has stated that there was NO CRIME, that there is NO EVIDENCE, that the prosecutor is DERANGED and he will TESTIFY and destroy the prosecution’s case from the witness stand.

Given all that and Trump’s unflagging support, I can’t believe such a top-notch attorney would plead guilty. It makes no sense.


Apparently Chesebro was offered a plea deal and turned it down. He is still on course for trial to start next week, where Powell will now be the star witness.


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He’s got a few days yet to mull it over, I think. I believe there’s a Dominion suit against some of these people that is probably made by this plea.

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“Recorded proffer with the state” already provided. That’s a taped confession…right?

She was charged with multiple felonies and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor? This is a win because it secures her testimony in trials of bigger fish?

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It’s details on the testimony she will provide. It’s what she offered to get the deal. She will have to testify in accordance with her proffer or the deal is off and her guilty plea will stand. Basically, if she lied in the proffer or lies on the stand, she’s going to Georgia state prison.


Bingo. She has pleaded guilty to six counts of election interference.


The deal requires her to testify truthfully in trials of her co-conspirators.

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So, what on earth makes people think she’ll testify truthfully and reveal all? What in her history in all of this makes you think she’s not a full-blown MAGA loon?

This is the critical thing. They’re not looking at time in Club Fed, it’s time in a Grishamesque southern penitentiary.

A desire to not die in a Georgia prison?

If the proffer was worthless, she wouldn’t get the deal. If she doesn’t testify in accordance with the proffer, she goes to prison. Pretty good incentive.


Because they’ll throw her ass in jail if she doesn’t. She pleaded guilty because they have the goods on her, so they’ll know.


One minor side issue on all this flippage: if Brother Fromage takes a deal, we will be denied the televised preview of all the shit they have on Trump et al as his trial would be cancelled too.

I am in danger of ODing on schadenfreude today:

Gym Jordan has been told by his GOP colleagues that he won’t be Speaker. The floor vote planned for today has been shelved. Jordan has agreed to back a proposal to make the Gavel Goblin McHenry interim speaker until January.

Too good not to share:


I know nothing about McHenry

He makes Mike Pence look gangsta.


She cannot rescind the plea. If she refuses to testify or doesn’t testify in accordance with the proffer, she is subject to the maximum penalty for everything to which she has pleaded guilty plus prosecution for those charges that have been dropped. The Judge gave her very explicit information on this. She is also under a complete gag order.

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McHenry had them change the Speaker’s chair.


I cant wait to read the apology she has to put out. She is such a smug cunt, it is gonna burn her up to have to admit she was lying this whole time.