The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

That’s not even a remote possibility.

Judge Chutkan denies part of prosecutors’ request and grants part.

  1. No additional restrictions on statements about DC or the jury pool; existing restrictions are sufficient.
  2. There will be additional restrictions on statements regarding the court, its staff, prosecutors and witnesses.
  3. Mike Pence is exempted from 2. because he’s a competing candidate for president.

Judge re-emphasized that “statements” include reposting other people’s statements. Trial date will not be delayed (it’s set at March 4, 2024). Violations of the order will be met with sanctions “as may be necessary”.

New gag order will be violated by Trump in three…two…

Limey, you are living in a fantasy land if you truly think that.

Wiggy von Springer Show is the guy who the GOP’s Never Jordanists are going to put up as an alternative.

The GOP is beyond parody.

Gym Jordan just introduced his “Life at Conception” bill (HR 1091).

Just to summarize, Roe was struck down by conservatives because that was a decision for the states and not one for the Federal government, because reasons. Most red states had trigger laws in place to slam the shutters down on abortion as soon as Roe was overturned, but some blue states went the other way and passed laws to protect the right to an abortion.

So now conservatives are working to pass Federal laws to ban abortion nationwide. Make it make sense.

The only good news is that Jordan - in his 16 years in Congress - has never sponsored a bill that has made it into law. Shit, he has never sponsored a bill that has even managed to pass the House. I’m not joking.

In other news, several key “never Gym Jordan” Republicans have come out and said that they will now support him on the floor vote for Speaker. Looks like he’s building momentum.

He needs all but 4. He was interviewed today and said he doesn’t have all 217 yet, but is going to have the floor vote anyway. Get ready for a repeat of the McCarthy stupidity, perhaps with more fisticuffs this time.

I suspect he’ll get the votes. Very few of the non-crazies have any balls.

There are no non crazies. Anyone voting for a Republican is voting for Trump/Jordan/Green/Boebert. That’s who they are.


Republicans: Fentanyl is flooding across the open southern border!

Dark Brandon:

Mexican Drug Cartels:

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I think he’ll win it fairly easily. It may require more than one vote, but it won’t be the shit show it was in January with McCarthy. Trump has told the GOP what to do, and they’ll quickly get in line.

Exactly. There is not a principled Republican in Congress. They are all hard-core Trump MAGAts, and will do what their god tells them to do.


Lectern-a-Lago has some legs (pun intended); it appears to be straight up embezzlement of tax-payer funds by Gov. Sanders, with an associated attempted cover-up.

Here are the facts:

  1. A business invoiced the state for $19k for ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  2. $20k is the threshold for additional scrutiny on payments, so the $19k was paid without question
  3. A blogger FOIA’d the state for accounting info and inadvertently stumbled upon the payment
  4. It stood out like a sore thumb, so the blogger FOIA’d the state for additional information on the payment
  5. Sanders signed into law a change in the FOIA regulations, changes which prevent the release of information about the payment (and Sanders’ travel and expense reimbursements)
  6. The Gov’s office claimed the payment was for a high-end Franklin lectern, of which they posted a photo
  7. If you try really hard, you can maybe push the cost of a Franklin lectern to $10k
  8. Franklin has denied that the lectern shown by the state is one of theirs; regular lecterns costs hundreds, not thousands, let alone tens of thousands, of dollars
  9. The billing entity for the $19k invoice has absolutely nothing to do with lecterns, office supplies or furniture of any kind
  10. The state GOP has reimbursed the state for the whole $19k

None of the above is in question. What is in question is WTF is Sanders trying to cover up?

The stink is that:

  1. The owner of the business receiving the $19k payment is a close friend of Sanders
  2. Sanders’ friend recently posted on social media photos of herself, Sanders and others partying in Paris
  3. Someone wrote “to be reimbursed” on the $19k invoice sometime after it was originally settled by the state
  4. The annotation is undated and allegedly was added only after the shit hit the fan

And the shit is hitting the fan hard in Arkansas, with talk of criminal charges ensuing from this. The legislature has initiated the process to have a full audit undertaken of the Governor’s office as well as Sanders’ travel and expense reimbursements.

It looks very much like Sanders was trying to steal $19k of state money and give it to her friend, perhaps to offset the cost of lavish partying in Paris, by having said friend’s company invoice the state for that amount with no services rendered.

To be a true Republican star, she’ll need at least 7 or 8 digit grift.

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To be fair, this is Arkansas.

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To wit:

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 9.35.46 AM

Interesting tidbit from today’s testimony in the Trump-NYAG case: Trump Org employee Donna Kidder testified that the $25 million settlement for fraud allegations arising out of Trump University was funded in part by a loan.

Dude is broke as fuck.