The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread

Austin Scott announces his candidacy for Speaker de Jour. No, me neither.

Well, I disagree on whether thereā€™s a gay hobbit they could choose; thereā€™s likely quite a few. However, I agree itā€™s highly unlikely, because at the end of the day, even the ā€œmoderatesā€ who won in Biden districts are under the cult spell and cult members rarely defy the cult.


Iā€™m waiting until they nominate Wiggy von Springer Show.



Sorry to quote you again, but Dems need to live by the stricture ā€œif youā€™re enemy is drowning, throw him an anvilā€.


Heā€™s a troll, not a hobbit.

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Sorry, I never read much Tolkien

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In a GOP validation vote - whatever the fuck that is - Gym Jordan won with 152-55. That means he is 65 votes short of the 217 need to win the House floor vote. Happy Friday, everyone.

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Their overall party and basis of governance is pretty much a shit show, so why not?

Elect clowns, expect a circus.


Jordan reportedly wants a floor vote for Speaker on Tuesday. His opponents in the GOP say theyā€™ll have a competing candidate.

Trumpā€™s gag order hearing is going about as well as expected for him. The judge gave prosecutors a hard time as to why further restrictions are required over and above what is already in place.

When she turned to the defense, they dick-stomped their way through campaign arguments and Trump rally speech talking points. They claimed that any restrictions should apply to Biden also; prompting the judge to point out that Biden isnā€™t charged with felonies and on pre-trial release. When the defense argued that Trump has not threatened anyone, the judge laughed.

Chutken is now reading out a greatest hits of Trump violating the existing pre-trial release order. Itā€™s not pretty. Trump lawyer Lauro is trying to defend Trumpā€™s statements and his arguments has the audience laughing now.

While all this is going on, Trump (not in court today) posted this:

I really hope prosecutors bring this up in real time.

Dear Lord, the defense just brought up Hunter Biden. This is an SNL sketch.

Other than hurt yours and other liberalsā€™ sensitive feelings, who did President Trump threaten in that statement? No one.

I laugh when I hear liberals worried about the constitution when they are the ones ripping it apart out of desperation to ā€œget Trump.ā€

Biff! Sock! POW!

I love how Trumpā€™s defense is based purely on his candidacy for President, which is entirely optional on his part. If his multiple felony trials in multiple districts are interfering with his candidacy, he can always suspend it.

The Judge brings up the death threat against Milley, and threats against Barr and others. The defense said that, if those people felt threatened, prosecutors should have got them to file affidavits claiming such. Nice bit of victim blaming there.

The defense keeps trying to run away from the death threat, and the judge keeps dragging them back to it. Because itā€™s indefensible and because it puts the lie to their earlier assertions that Trump hadnā€™t threatened anyone.

The defense continues to set itself on fire. The judge offered three scenarios of things Trump has said:

  1. Death threat
  2. Be loyal or else
  3. Job in future administration on the line

Asking the defense which would be permissible under the current gag order, the defense answered No, Yes, Maybe.

Bzzzzzt. Judge said all three are impermissible.

Trump isnā€™t going to jail today (if he was, the judge would not have allowed him leave not to attend), but heā€™s going to get a yellow card over existing violations and likely a much more specific and stringent gag order imposed.

However, he will talk himself into jail within days, perhaps even hours or minutes, of the end of todayā€™s hearing.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 11.02.25 AM

The gag order is pointless. Trump is not going to stop, and the judge is powerless to make him. Trump knows this.

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She can, and I think eventually will, throw him in jail pending trial.